Isshinryu Karate Products and Supplies

At one time I had quite a number of products, prices and order information listed here but due to YouTube and other internet resources you can access videos of O-Sensei Tatsuo Shimabuku and from a number of 1st generation students at no cost. Just beware that anyone at any level of proficiency can post a video.
FSIK receives no profit from any products sold on our page. It is provided only as a resource page.

Books by Phill Little
Hanshi Phil Little studied under the great Harold Long and has co-authored two weapons books. He has truly dedicated 30+ years in the promotion of Isshinryu Karate.
Okinawan Weapons Bo Fighting Techniques.. Long, Hanshi Little for current prices
Okinawan Weapons Sai and Tonfa Fighting Techniques..Long, Hanshi Little for current prices.

Hanshi Phil Little

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