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The following self-defense techniques are for information only. Furgason School of Isshinryu Karate, it's owner, staff, representatives, agents or students are not responsible for any injuries that might occur by anyone practicing or using these techniques. It is recommended that anyone practicing these techniques do so in a controlled, supervised setting

This Month's Self Defense Techniques

It has been a long time since I have changed this page. I will leave the techniques below posted for another month and then update this page.

Defense Against Double Lapel Grab

Last Month's Self Defense Techniques

Defense Against Chest/Head Punch

Figure 1 Attacker strikes with a punch to the chest or head. Defender executes a right cross/push block deflecting the strike

Figure 2 Defender executes a left upper body block while simultaneously raising right hand from blocking position to prepare for right backhand strike to Attacker's nose.

Figure 3 Defender executes a right backhand strike breaking Attacker's nose.

Figure 4 Defender executes a left palm heel strike to the Attacker's broken nose.

Defense Against Double Lapel Hold

Figure 1 Attacker grabs Defender using a double lapel hold.

Figure 2 Defender raises left arm and crosses it over both arms of Attacker grabbing Attacker's left wrist firmly.

Figure 3 Defender steps across the front of Attacker with right leg raising the right arm. This places enough pressure on Attacker's elbow to dislocate it and brings Attacker off balance. It also positions Defender's body and right arm for the final strike.

Figure 4 Defender executes a right elbow strike to attacker's nose or eye socket.

Photos: Special thanks to Brian Soloweyko, Ni-Dan and Susan Alderman, Ik Kyu for their execution of techniques.

