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Joys' Family

The following horses are out of Joy the Morgan/Paint mare.

Sunday(PtHA)- Joys first foal

Sunday's sire was an unregistered black and white pinto stallion. I were hoping for a black and white foal but I were very surprised when Sunday was born buckskin and white!

Sunday is still with us and is 18 years old this year. She has her own page to accommodate all her pictures! Sundays Page

This was Joy's 1994 filly. We sold her soon after this picture was taken and we lost contact with her current owners. Her sire isSonny Sizzler (APHA) by Sonny Dee Bar(AQHA).

She was a beautiful bay and white pinto and I named her "Justa Texas Hart Bar"

Hart Bar is now owned by a wonderful lady who keeps the horse in Hockley, Texas just a few miles up the road from my farm.

Her owner is very pleased with with the horse and says she turned out to be a very willing and versatile mount.

Here is what she looks like at age 5, pictured with my son, Lucas

Joy's next foal was also sired by Sonny Sizzler (APHA). We named him "Justa Red Ranger" but call him Ranger for short.

Ranger(PtHA) decided he did not need pinto spots to be flashy!

He is registered in the breeding stock division of the PtHA

We have been riding Ranger since he was 2 years old. Nowadays he is showing himself to be a good driving horse!

Ranger @ 5 years old.

Ranger has a very calm disposition and likes people.

Jack Of Harts(PtHA).

Jack is sired by our stallion, Sonnys Lucky Straw(APHA).

I rode Jack for the very first time the day he turned 2 years old. He did great and seems to be as calm as his older siblings.

Jack carried my 4 year old son on the Salt Grass Trail Ride (Feb 01). Jack was only 2 years old but he behaved like a gentleman.

And again on a local trail ride

We just completed another Salt Grass Trail Ride that took place from February 3-9, 2002. Jack is now 3 years old and Lucas (age 8) had no trouble riding him. Being next to his big sister, Sunday, kept him company and secure.

Look what Joy and Our stallion did again!

A medicine hat filly born Thursday morning June 17, 1999.

Joy still looks pretty good for 20 years old, aye?

She is now a weanling and growing fast!

We named her "Justa Little More Joy" but call her "Jill" for short.

Jill is all grown up now! Time has flown and we have trained her for riding. Most times she just hangs out in the yard though ~

Jill turns 4 years old this June 2003. I traded her for a very nice bay & white filly named "Snickers". Snickers Page

Jill's new owners live close by and tell me she is a wonderful pleasure horse. Here is a picture of her on a ride in the fall of 2006.

And a more recent picture of Jill and her owner on a trail ride 3/27/2010

I had Joy bred to Sonny Sizzler(APHA)one more time hoping to get just one last paint foal before retiring her.....

It's A Girl!

Joy just foaled May 9, 2001!

Click here to see the new baby