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My Pretender Page

*~~Cast of Characters~~*

There are Pretenders among us. Geniuses with the ability to become anyone they want to be. In 1963, a corporation known as the Centre isolated a young pretender named Jarod and exploited his genius for their research.

Then one day, their Pretender ran away...

Click on names to SEE pics. Have you SEEn Jarod lately? JARODHe's a policeman today! Miss ParkerMust be having a great hair day!*giggle* BrootsHey he's the man! The CastGotta love em!!!! Sydney and BrootsWonder where Jarod is...Hmmm! Mr. ParkerIt's Daddy! The Centre at Blue Cove, DelawareBefore we all moved to L.A. Miss Parker, Sydney and BrootsWhat are they plotting??? Jarod wearing plaid.Hmm..guess he looks great in anything, huh? Jarod with ice cream.Hey Jarod~~try it, you'll like it!!! hehe
Some of the best online friends anyone could have. I met these at NBC's Pretender site, well not Silverkat *lol*....and btw....there's lots more friend there too! Visit the site listed down below. I promise you'll never be sorry you did. These are treasures and I'm so honored to know them. Offine too!*lol* Cécile(she's talented and so special, she brings HOPE to all*huge hugs*), Eastie(she's the Rose Queen and very talented too, the most beloved friend, to/by all*huge hugs*) , Katrina(she's a jewel and sweetheart*huggles* also very talented) and Silverkat(she's a treasure (my daughter), a gift from God and my inheritance and very talented also*huggles*).

Some of my character's at NBC's Centre Exchange are: "theanya", "CleaningLady" and "ginaparker"and as for the Miss Parker said,"Stop pouting, it was need to know, you didn't!"*lol*

I'm part of the PAA Webring! Click here to SEE!

Legal garb:The Pretender is a production of MTM Entertainment in association with NBC Studios. They own all of the pics and stuff associated with the Pretender and I would like to congratulate them on a outstanding job. Nothing malicious is here. This page is only a tribute to my favorite show.

Friends links!

Passion's Place
Markstaf's homepage
Eastie and Cécile's homepage
Lois' Daily Planet~Synopsis of all episodes~Jamie Denton
NBC's the Pretender adventures
Sylver's Fantasy~with Pretender page
Curious'~SpiesRus~Pretender related site
