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"The night of Nuisance"
("Die Nacht des Unwesens")

Oh night, how much would I like you
If you could extinguish the stars
Their beams murmur unknown singings...
And I wish all the dark and the mute
All the revealed and the blurred

Loving all the darkness - my aura got scared
As a blind thought nibbled on room and time

Oh soul, moving bones, you request my peace
I lay me down, refreshing darkness
penetrated by heavy deathdreams (dreams of death),
and wrap me up in your veils

With my thoughts I defy everything they call God

Oh, you murderer of art, you wrong wisdom of life
out of my atheistic (?) believe you will certainly never rob it,
the dis-sacred (?) crown of my real immortality

Oh night, how much would I like you
If you could extinguish the stars
The riot of existance... doubtful, unusual noble
Your shadow murmurs unknown singings
Finally, night... put your black flag in my mute skull

In your vicious view - a dark paradise
of deep, sleeping darkness
O godly imagination that I often praised
silent mourning of a gentle smile
My soul is getting lost in the nostalgic inferno
Visions of death - the waste of myself

The night is awake over the icon of birth in the chaos
I didn't know about its existance
Nothing, until it smiled at me

Oh night, how much I would like you
With your gentle crying
When stars extinguished the bitter poisoning
that this abstract life pumps into me.
Like the first pain, but trist and silent
is the body that creeps out of me
into the night of nuisance.