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Charles Manson

"Charles Manson is not guilty of the crimes for which he was convicted. He could have proved this in court if he had not been illegally denied his constitutional right to act as his own attorney. He should, therefore, have all of his convictions overturned and be granted a new trial wherein he can present his own defense.

All life on this planet (what we call ATWA – Air, Trees, Water, Animals), including the precious humans, will be dead within a few generations if man doesn't radically change his outlook on his real position on this earth, and his way of doing things, RIGHT NOW.

Is there still a "Manson Family"? There never was one. The term "Manson Family" was first invented by the news media, then eagerly picked up by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office in order to put a label on certain people to create a false impression of the relationship of those people to each other for the purposes of getting a conviction against Manson and having a better story to sell. But Manson still has many supporters and friends, some of whom he has known since he was last out in the late 1960s. "

-- St. George
[friend of Manson's and webmaster of, an excellent webpage dedicated to Manson]

"I have nothing against none of you. I can't judge any of you. But I think it is high time that you all started looking at yourselves, and judging the lie that you live in.
I sit and I watch you from nowhere, and I have nothing in my mind, no malice against you and no ribbons for you.
But you stand and you play the game of money. As long as you can sell a newspaper, some sensationalism, and you can laugh at someone and joke at someone and look down at someone, you know.
You just sell those newspapers for public opinion, just like you are all hung on public opinion, and none of you have any idea what you are doing.
You are just doing what you are doing for the money, for a little bit of attention from someone.
You should all turn around and face your children and start following them and listening to them.

I don't know who I am.
I am whoever you make me, but what you want is a fiend; you want a sadistic fiend because that is what you are.
I do not dislike you, I cannot dislike you. I am you. You are blood. You are my brother. That is why I can't fight you.
If I could I would jerk this microphone out and beat your brains out with it because that is what you deserve, that is what you deserve.

You can kill the ego, you can kill the pride, you can kill the want, the desire of a human being.
You can lock him in a cell and you can knock his teeth out and smash his brain, but you cannot kill the soul.
You never could kill the soul. It's always there, the beginning and the end. you cannot stop it, it's bigger than me. I'm just looking into it and it frightens me sometimes.

You can jump up and scream, "Guilty!" and you can say what a no good guy I am, and what a devil, fiend, eeky-sneaky slimy devil I am. It is your reflection and you're right, because that is what I am. I am whatever you make me.

You expect to break me? Impossible! you broke me years ago. You killed me years ago. I sat in a cell and the guy opened the door and he said, "You want out?"
I looked at him and I said, "Do you want out?" You are in jail, all of you, and your whole procedure. The procedure that is on you is worse than the procedure that is on me. I like it in there.

We're all our own prisons, we are each all our own wardens and we do our own time. I can't judge anyone else. What other people do is not really my affair unless they approach me with it.

Prison's in your mind ... Can't you see I'm free?"

-- Manson, 1970 Testimony

[Go here to read his full testimony.]

"As anyone in the know knows, throughout the state of California, the country, and the world: the lawyers, courts, and government of the U.S. lie and cannot be trusted. (California Department of Corrections included.) To keep this so-called Board of Paroles from telling more lies about me, my family, brothers and sisters in soul in truth and of God, I have come to this hearing to make statements to and for the public record to be marked in history.
Until I get my rights, no one has rights.
I could have a parole and have no soul. I'll keep my soul and shirk your parole. You people have no authority from justice. You're crooks running the numbers racket you got no respect. I don't want into your thoughts as anything but a number and you are dismissed from any service you claim to do in the name of God.
The same God I speak of is all gods in ONE GOD. One world. One court. One government. One order. One mind. Or continue with the madness you have judged for yourselves to live in forever. The time has ended and will catch up to each person's thought as it does.
P.S. The U.S. started the Second World War."

-- Manson, 1986 Parole Hearing

After twenty minutes of deliberating, the Board announced that it would not be setting a parole date because Manson "would pose an unreasonable risk and danger to society and a threat to public safety if released from prison."
Manson responded, "I accept this decision. That's cool. What I'd like for you to do in your own minds personally, everybody that has a personal mind of their own, could possibly consider that the longer that you let this conviction stand, and this little Helter Skelter scheme of the District Attorney to give his particular reality over into the play, that's going to be the reality that they're perpetuating. That's not the reality that I'm perpetuating. I'm not saying that I wasn't involved. I'm saying that I did not break man's law nor did I break God's law. Consider that in the judgments that you have for yourselves. Good day. Thank you."

--1997 Parole Hearing

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