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Label: Diamond Records / New Renaissance
Year: 1998
Genre: Punk Metal
Origin: Sweden

Rating: 5 out of 5

Track List:
1. Singh Hai
2. V - For Vulgarians
3. Cult
4. Il Organizatione
5. Six Sec Sex
6. Whether With or Without
7. Eternal Sleep
8. K.A.O.S
9. Bid Farewell to Wellfare
10. Who To Trust?
11. This Barren Life
12. 365 Reasons to Commit Suicide

Warning: this is NOTHING like KD or MF. Snowy Shaw has taken a completely new direction in his music-writing, and Andy and Sharlee have followed effectively. I know that many don't like the punk sound, but I do. I think it provides a whole new level for them to write on. It's great music to blast in your car, too. Overall, it's very uplifting, energetic music. Some bad things: misspellings in the booklet (but those can be forgiven because English is not their first language and they're on a small-budget label) and some vulgar lyrics. Their attitude towards women offends me a bit, being a woman myself, but I overlook it because of the great music that accompanies those lyrics. Yonas sings well in my opinion, particularly when he hits some fairly high notes. He has a good range, and I like the vocal melodies. I say get this album if you like (or are open-minded about) punk metal or if you're a fan of Andy, Snowy, or Sharlee.

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