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dArK LiNkS

Mega's Metal Asylum
If you look under "Links," you'll find numerous metal webpages, webrings, labels, etc. But the best part of this page is the "Metal Map." This is a map of Europe; when you click on a country, you get a list of links to metal bands, zines, labels, etc, for that country. Very useful!

Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
A great website with descriptions and pros/cons of every religion you can think of. They have great info on Satanism and Voodoo and also good essays on controversial topics.

The official online site for the CoS. Created by Magister Peter H. Gilmore. -- The original satanic site online. Created by Reverend Ventrue.

A church basically created to educate people about atheism and religious tolerance/freedom.

Ok this is the webpage for IRC's #satanas channel. It's pretty cool and has some good links.

A tribute to the late Anton LaVey. Created by Magister Gilmore.

A homepage for the Confederate States Army and Navy

This is a page dedicated to Charles Manson, it has lots of info, pics, and even his full testimony -- something that is definitely worth reading. Please go here and listen to what they have to say...

This is an awesome page; mostly it's links, but who cares... There's lots of stuff about serial killers, Charlie, etc... Plus fun games to play :)

A great page, filled with evilness for you to indulge in.

Great page by CoS member JA$. I got most of my web graphics from here. She also has posted some great pics of Shagrath of Dimmu Borgir.

The Satan Page
I haven't gotten around to looking at this entire page yet, but from what I have seen, I can tell you that it's real good. Lots of info, pics, graphics, etc, of course it's almost all about satanism and gothic stuff. So go check this page out for yourself.

Warez One
This is a great place for free software, mp3s, and other stuff.
If you want other warez, just go to Yahoo and look it up. You'll find plenty.

ÇhÅø§ ø-ë•R• Ð@ Wø•R•lÐ
An excellent site. It has warez, anarchy, mp3s, etc.

Go here.. they also got mp3s and gaming cheats and hacking/computer stuff.. it's a great search engine for warez-type stuff...

Unamerican Activities
This website kicks ass.. They sell shirts and posters and stuff.. Go take a look..

This is the main homepage for mIRC (internet relay chat), which is a program that you download and lets you talk in millions of different chat rooms. It's great for finding stuff (like mp3s) and whatever else you want to do. Definitely worth getting. When I go on mIRC, i usually go on server or undernet. Undernet has an excellent #Philosophy channel.

This is the homepage for #Philosophy... it has some useful info and links.

Philosophical Humor
Even if you don't think you'll understand the jokes, go here anyway, cuz you will. This page also has music jokes... some are very funny... :)

Bjorn's Guide to Philosophy
I like this site cuz it's got a lotta info bout many philosophers and also it has some of their works as a .txt file that you can download.
This is a strange site... it's like someone's graphics page or something... but anyway, it's very interesting to look around in here... just a lot of weird stuff.

Avatar Search
The search engine of the occult internet.