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All about ME!!!!!!!!

Hello this page is all about me and my achivements within dancing.

I began dancing about 2 years ago and have progressed from strength to strength.

About ayear ater I began dancing I began going to the HOUSTON HUSTLERS club in Kirkby in Liverpool. Here I met the one and only ROB FOWLER and my latest dance partner.

My first competition was actually in Kirkby and it was a heat for the U.K. Championships held in May. It was due to begin at 10a.m. but it was the day they buried Princess Diana and so as a sign of respect, the competition started late. After the late start the competition began, I was competing in both Line Dancing and also the Couples section with my first partner Jodie.

We both got through to the finals for the Line, but unfortunatly we never got placed in the top three who were then qualified for the U.K. Finals. We were really nervous entering the couples as it was our first competition, and were we against some of our frends from Kirkby.

The music began and Jodie and myself danced our hearts out. We competed in both Two-Step and West Coast Swing. We got paced as follows.

Two Step:

1st-Christopher McManus & Jodie Binsteed.

2nd-David Millington & Rebbecca Hughes

3rd-Jamie Smith & Sally-Ann Cornwall

4th- Brian & Andrea Briggs

West Coast Swing:

1st-David Millington & Rebbecca Hughes

2nd-Christopher Mcmanus & Jodie Binsteed

3rd-Jamie Smith 7 Sally-Ann Cornwall

Overall Placings

Joint 1st-Christopher Mcmanus & Jodie Binsteed

-David Millington & Rebbecca Hughes

3rd-Jamie Smith & Sally-Ann Cormwall

4th-Brian & Andrea Briggs

So we did very well in the competition. This enabled us to compete in the U.K. Championship Finals!

The next major competition was te British Championship Heats. This took place in Preston and Jodie, Myself and our friend Carron Douglas went along to compete.

We danced "All Aboard" and the resluts are as follows.

I was plced 3rd and Carron 2nd.

This enabled us to compete in the Semi-Finals of the British Championships and also the European Championships.

We went to Barton Hall and came away with the Junior Teen British Showcase Title and I also gained the Male Junior Teen novice Classic Line Dance Title!

After Barton Hall Jodie and I stopped dancing togetehr and we both now have new parnters. My new partner is Jenny and after dnacing togeter for only a few months, we already have the U.K Division 4 Couples title under our belt. We are going to Barton hall this year and hope to do much better than last year and we may even go to the (Wishful thinking!)

Well I have gone on for enough!





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