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"Double Take"

I saw your picture today.
Gazed at the description of your eyes.
Soft flecks of green
Indented on sky blue background.
Poised with the class of a tiger
Ready to attack.

Even through
This faded old photo
The memories leap from my mind.
Your picture perfect smile
Burned on those ruby lips.
I can hear those lips
Opening and closing
In an angel laugh.
I always feared that laugh.
Silver bells.
Dented by one too many fingers.
It grew softer
As the years wore on.

Your manicured hands
Cup your moon shaped face.
As if holding back
The scared animal like little girl
Threatening to come out.

Your black shirt
Too black against your pale cotton skin.
Clasps your breasts
Holding your heart a prisoner.
I gaze in wonder.
This was my mother?

Not the mother
I choose to remember.
Full of raspberry jam
And old lullabies.
Pouring out fresh
In a warm tender stream.
That was my mother.

I glance in the mirror
At my shimmering reflection.
Full of tenderness
And sweet melodies.

A longer glance shows
I've got a tiger
Looming deep within my raspberry jam.

~~~~ Written by Desmona ~~~~

Marian 64 and Friends Homepage
