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"Her Dreams"

I sat in a porcelain bathtub
Steamy hot water
Embraced by clouds of her dreams
I studied each fold
Of every sparkling cloud
Amazed at just how detailed
Every dream was.
Perturbed by how much careful thought
Was placed in each dream
And impressed at all the prayers
That boosted the dreams fresh and soft
To the top of the water.

I went outside in my bare feet
Felt the cool grass tickling my toes
I looked up into the sky
And saw mounds of white fluffy bubbles
Shining down and whispering secrets
Of how nice it would be.
Yet I smiled to myself
Because I knew, that words could never explain
Just how nice it would truly be.

The sky and the water
Seemed to have switched places
For one beat of my heart
I think I was supposed to be confused
But who could ever expect any normal display
Of her dreams
Not so complicated,
Yet so many waiting to come true.

I didn't drain the water
Out of the bathtub
In hopes that she could see
The way I saw her dreams layed out in front of me.
But when I returned to the bathtub
The clouds were gone.
Dissolved back into her heart
To be kept once again
To herself
Until the time comes
For her to release them
To the man
That could solve them.

I drained the water,
But I didn't feel guilty
Rather pleased,
With a bit of excitement
As I knew the water
Wasn't her dreams,
but only a shadow
Of what I could never
Fully understand
As one can never
Truly comprehend
The thoughts or dreams
Of another.

~~~~~~ Written By Sarah Renee - November 3, 1999 ~~~~~~

Marian64 and Friends Poetry

Marian64 and Friends Poetry