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"Chat Room Friends"

What would I do
Without my chat room friends
House bound as I am
You bring me joy and love
It helps to know I can invite you in
Day or night
Enjoy your presence at any time

In return you accept me as I am
With the touch of a key you're gone
Alone again
What would I do
Without my chat room friends

You do not stare at me nor pity me
Or look at me with sad and tearful eyes
I sit back listen to you talk to me
I to you
This is the beauty of chat room friends

If someone is rude or nasty
Hit thier name and ignore button
Out of my home they go
I can chose the one's I want to chat with
Block out the one's I don't
Share with those who care

From day to day my cup runneth over
As I bring you all into my home
I dedicate this poem to you
Hoping friendships grow
What would I do
Without my chat room friends

5/25/98 Red86
