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Untitled Observations

by EpicMyst
August 1998

Second chances and once in a lifetime's
Don't come round too often
But betrayal and murder
Are things that are all too common
The world is spinning round and round
Spinning out of control
We went from peace, love, and happiness
To what we now see around us
Something went wrong somewhere
But no one will admit to it
Someone made a mistake at sometime
And now we are all paying the price
We do studies and research
Attempting to find out where it originates
Only leading to dead ends and unfinished graphs
Looking so hard; finding no answers
When all they really have to do
Is to look in the mirror
That's the devil behind this scheme
Making this life a miserable one
Robbing us of our
Second chances and once in a lifetime's
Replacing them with dead ends and violence
Each and every one of us
Who haven't done our part
We are responsible
For what this world has become
But no one will admit to it
Continuing to search
For someone to blame
Too scared to realize
That the answer is right before them

Questions with no answers and impossible tasks
Just a few of the mysteries in life
Walking around like a bunch of zombies
Trying to make sense of the whole thing
Doing all we can just to keep our sanity
As the world turns
It begins to unravel itself
While we waste all of our time
Asking a million questions that have no answers
Instead of taking the answers we have
And trying to find the questions
Looking too hard for what we seek to find
Working our lives away to earn some cash
Thinking in some way that might make a difference
Put us on a higher level than the rest
But we are all the same
A group of people
Wandering this earth we were put on
Asking questions that will never be answered
Taking on impossible tasks to feel honored
Doing what we can to avoid the inevitable insanity
And watching this world
As it unravels itself

Control and power
Have become some sort of addiction
In the world today
Everyone wants a piece of it
Willing to do anything to get it
People don't care about kindness and giving anymore
It's all about who has the power
Everything else comes second to that
Feeding off other's fear
Knowing that they stand a little bit higher
On that homeade thrown of theirs
Thinking that as long as they are in control
It is impossible to fall
As long as they have the power
They are an immortal of some sort
Disregarding the rules
They don't apply to them anymore
Because they have some unseen royalty
This world is full of them
We are all guilty of it at some time
Constantly striving to reach that power
To be in control
Just to feed the addiction
That has taken over the world today

What we all strive for
The perfect poem
Where all the words flow just right
The perfect love
To have and to hold forever
The perfect job
That never gets boring
The perfect life
Where everything goes as expected
But it is just an illusion
Does not really exist
There are imperfections
In the most perfect of things
There are problems in all that we see
Even at first
Something appears to have achieved
A sense of perfection
Rest assured underneath
There is some flaw
We have created an image
Set it in the front of our minds
Of what we see as perfection
Always putting it out of our reach
Just to torture ourselves
Knowing there is no way to achieve it
But we kill ourselves trying
Placing the blame for our mistakes
On whoever passes by
So that maybe we can have a chance
To grasp hold of the impossible
To be considered

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