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Masked Maidens' Poetry Parlor

"Cast a Spell"

If I were a witch,

I'd cast a spell-

And on you, you BEAST,

I'd cast it twice !

How could you command with force

That this girl "BE QUIET"?

Instilling in me a raging riot!

I, not knowing this wasn't right

I, not knowing for what to fight

You took from me things
I was yet to know I possessed

You tuned out my cries, as though deaf
I, just from the bed of my near death
Only hours gone by since invasive surgery
You cared not of my life or recovery
You cared not of anything but your own selfish desires
Turning yourself into a wicked BEAST
Devouring all of me for your selfish feast
Not caring about my pain
of where the doctor had put suture
Planting your seed...
With no concern of it's future

Taking my weakness as opportunity

Not granting me even passive immunity

Leaving me fears on which later
I would surely impel!

Yes, for this I'd cast a spell!

And on you-
I'd cast it twice!
On you indeed, I would excise...
I'd cast on you the spell of my eternal hell!

KT 1998
Copyright © 1998 by Masked Maiden, All rights reserved

This poem is about spousal rape. If you have questions about rape please go here Sexual Assault Information

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