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Masked Maidens Poerty Parlor

"A Choice?"

Crystallized passions impermeable
and envied by many
Knowledge of what can be
Loves depths filled full

Time stands still
while memories caress my mind
Plummeting past joys and pains
Leaving treasures behind

Innocence of childhood days gone by
Tickle my heart with dreams
of feelings I could fly

Contortions take over...
bringing me to my knees
Ignoring my heart...
as it gently pleads

as great as it may be
Is nothing compared to the
days of you and me
The honesty of what
once was our love
Has been sheathed by life's
strangling glove

Floating away to a distant past
Back to a love that was thought
would forever last
Only to find that life's puzzle
is the challenge to beat
Some of them masked by distance
often met by feelings so bittersweet

Deafened by questions of my self worth
I stand emotionally destitute
Seeking past desires
Drawn closely to the temptations
of old loves flames
Memorable meandering of when I was young
Likened to the pains
you once protected me from
Sheltered from life's torches
that were but feather light
Returning once again to cut to my core
No armor do I have now,
My passions I've learned to deplore

My fears laid stagnant and distilled after time
Only to attack me now,in this, my prime
The passions you now confess
hint of a lie
Do I choose death?
Or just lay down and die?

KT 1999

Copyright © 1999 by Masked Maiden, All rights reserved


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