Stuff you wanted to know about Kender
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Stuff you wanted to know about Kender

Hi! This is Kender, the illustrius borrower that Maz and Purg-o-matic have made this lurvely link for! WOOHOO! I rule. Really, I do. A small, but noteworthy province in Landis. Now, that's a dorm (er, Residence Hall) for all you non-FSU people. At any rate, I just thought I'd let y'all know a bit about me instead of merely seeing my beautiful visage. *snicker* I am a sophomore at FSU (ikky) and am currently running on sleep dep and sugar. That's it. I have the circles under my eyes to prove it. My claims to fame are as follows: I was in the front row at a FABULOUS They Might Be Giants concert which I got to go to free b/c I am an FSU student. I crashed the mosh section of a Stone Temple Pilots concert and crowd surfed in a dress and platform heels while accruing only minor bruises to my foot and ribs. I also am The Kender. That's all there is to say about that. I'm the only Kender in MusicTalk as far as I can see, but I've also been a sea elf and a Qualinesti elf among other wonderful beings. Oh yes, I was a gully dwarf once, but that was only b/c Raistlin really does love Bupu somewhere deep inside him. (/me *snickers* at chem) So I promised I'd keep this short for Maz, so he wouldn't have to type a whole lot of stuff, 'cause I suck at html stuff and he's being so good as to make this link for me. So more in my life later on. *grin*

Maz and Purg tell me I can write as much as I want, b/c through the miracles of modern computing, they can just cut and paste whatever I type onto my lurvely lil link! Woohoo! hehehe...

ok, so a lil bit about me.

I'm a sophomore at Florida State University and I am living in Landis Residence Hall for the second year. (that's b/c I've got two years of dorm paid for, not b/c I'm a masochist) I like Landis plenty, but I can't wait to get out into my own apt. I'm a Communications major, right now, but I am going to look into Linguistics. I want to either teach accents to people who want to act, or go into speech therapy. I'm utterly enthralled by the lil minutea of linguistics and I haven't a clue as to why. at any rate...

I'm also a huge lover of music. I remember when I got my first cd player back in '90 and I thought "why would anyone need any more than 13 or so cd's? that's PLENTY for me!" now I have 78 and although that's not a billion, that's 30 more than I had at the beginning this summer. (or thereabouts) That's what a job at Best Buy will do for you. *grin* I have everything from Blondie (Best of, and Platinum Collection. oh, and Debravation) to Green Day (Dookie, Kerplunk, I sold Insomniac, it sucked and I'm gonna check out the new one) and Ocean Colour Scene (Mosely Shoals and the apparently self-titled album). I love punk, ska, rock, some folk, I'm getting to love this electronica thing, with all of the full-length Prodigy albums as well as the Fire/Jericho single thingy and about 5 Chembro's cd's. I have Chemickal to thank for the love of Chembros and for the newfound lust to own anything by Bentley Rhythm Ace and/or Fatboy Slim I'm a bit confused about who comprises what and if they're of the same group and one just went on a solo gig or something. But hey, bear with me, I'm new to it all. FSOL is pre'y nifty too, I found a site for them and 'bout went nuts d/l'ing movies that sounded real nifty. I also love October Project and Moxy Fruvous, Barenaked Ladies, Chixdiggit, and others. if'n ya REALLY want to know what I have, email me or something. or if you can give me some information on the electronic artists Marduk (not the death metal band) and Ken Ishii PLEASE email me! I'm dying to find something and I can't!!

Ok, the big one. Religion. I am an eclectic Pagan, which basically means this: I worship the God of the Hunt, and the Earth Mother. I have been touched by Them in more ways than I can say and am just glad that I found Them. I'm hoping, by now, that my mother has accepted my life path. If you have any questions about this, you can email me.

I guess that'll be it for now, you'll want to come back every so often and find more stuff, right? right! so until then...I bid you adieu...



