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"And the father is...
Congrats, Man!


MLE portrait

Some Melissa Facts...

Full name: Melissa Lou Etheridge
Born: May 29 1961
Raised in: Leavenworth, Kansas
Favorite color: Aquablue 
Collects: Pens from different airports 
Beverage: Room temperature water 
Breakfast food: Pancakes, of course! 
Actor: Tom Hanks
Actress: Emma Thompson
Flower: Gerber Daisies 
Film: Thelma and Louise 
Book: Nine Short Stories by J.D. Salinger
Favorite item of clothing: Herblack boots
Vacation getaway: Hawaii 
Magazine: TimeMagazine
Domestics: I enjoy cooking and gardening -- I cannot get enough of it, though, with my lifestyle."
Add: "I listen to the radio a lot, a great radio station in L.A., 101.9, I have my favorites I listen to at home." 
"I watch MTV a little. I enjoy watching TV because it can relax me sometimes and take my
mind off things."

* Gaymarriages *

"Melissa Etheridge recently spoke with MTV about a potentially hot campaign issue -- same-sex marriage -- that's beenpre- empted by President Bill Clinton with his decision to endorse anti-gaymarriage legislation proposed in Congress by Republican rival Bob Dole. She had this to say: "I want to marry my partner of eight years. I think it's only fair. I'm a tax-paying individual. I'm a law-abiding citizen. I've followed all the rules. I don't see why I can't get the same financial breaks that heterosexuals get. I don't want to go into your church and do this -- this is not a religious thing for me.
This is merely a health insurance issue ... avisitation in the hospital issue ... to be flying together overseas and not have to fill out two forms ... to look at a form that you fill out and when it says 'spouse,' being able to fill in the name of the person who would fall into that category. Those are the things that people don't realize and take for granted."

This was said in July 1996 

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em@il: Linda