Pacey: "You know it says in here I can have the butt I want in three weeks."
Andie: "Pacey, I've seen your butt. You have nothing to worry about."

Andie: "Pacey, are you checking out your own butt in the mirror?"
Pacey: "Me? No..."
[looks exchanged]

Pacey: "You know I do agree with you though. This butt belongs in the hall of fame, what do you say?"
Andie: "Hmm, nice try."

Pacey: "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine Andie, but don't lie to me please."

Andie: "My dad is M.I.A. My mother is barely lucid. I'm holding on by my fingertips and yet somehow you're the one that's getting screwed? Oh yeah, that's right. Becuase it's always got to be about Pacey."

Andie: "For the first time I'm seeing everything crystal. It's you Pacey. You're the one that's got to give. We need to cool it because 'us', that's the problem.
Pacey: "Andie, you don't mean that."
Andie: "Yes I do and if you really care about me, if you'd really like to help me you'd leave me alone."

[Pacey holding out rose]
Andie: *sigh* "Go away Pacey"
[Slams door]
Andie: "I'm ignoring you!"

[climbing up wall lattice]
Pacey: "Is this thing reinforced?"

[handing rose]
Pacey: "For the lady."
Andie: "I don't believe you. Is this your way of staying away from me?
Pacey: "Uh, yeah, about that. I've decided not to. You see you need me McPhee. Come on, who else is going to put up with you right?"
Andie: "You know it's just one shove and it's a long way down Pacey."
Pacey: "Yeah, I'd just have to climb back up."

Pacey: "You know I think I forgot to mention that I'm actually the charter member of the Andie McPhee fan club. And as a matter of policy, out adulation never wavers. Through the good times or the bad."

Andie: "Pacey how do you know you can help me?"
Pacey: "Because Andie...I love you."
Andie: "I love you too."