Rating: Its not bad--PG or maybe PG--13
Disclaimer: as you have probably figured out, by now, I am NOT Kevin Williamson and I don't own Dawson's Creek or any of the characters on the show!
Author's Note: Darn! We have to wait an entire summer to find out what will happen between Pacey and Andie! This story is basically the letters Andie and Pacey write to each other when she's in Providence. I'll try to make them interesting!

Love Letters
By Julianna

June 4,1999
Dear Pacey,
I was so sad to leave you, but at the same time I was happy. I am finally getting the help I need. When I come back we'll be together and happy and you finally won't have to deal with my mental problems. I know I have been a burden to you these past six months, and I'm really sorry. I never meant you come into your life, and then once we finally got everything straighten out, just leave like that. You must think I'm the worst girlfriend. And I wanted to say I'm sorry.

June 9,1999
Dear Andie,
How canyou even think that? You helped me so much and did so much for me, I feel bad that I couldn't help you. Don't say that you have left me. Don't ever leave me. I understand you have some problems you need to work out. You are not the worst girfriend. Trust me.
No one ever went out with me....I wasn't popular. And to have a beautiful and smart girl like you be my girlfriend, well, thats a huge accomplishment. I love you.

June 17, 1999
Dear Pacey,
Thanks alot for reassuring me. I still feel horrible, though. You are so incredibly caring and sweet and you're the kind of boyfriend I have always dreamed of. Anyway, how are you? I hope you're studying hard for finals. I believe in you and I think you'll do wonderful.
PS-I love you more.

June 27, 1999
Dear Miss Andie McPhee,
Oh...you love me more (thats what you think). I am trying to study for finals, but unfortunatly, I can't find anyone that will put up with me, like you did. I have Dawson and Joey....but lately I've felt uncomfortable around them. They make such a cute couple and are so much in love, I wish I had you here. I'm sure when you come back(ASAP!) we'll double date....unless we decide to take another trip to our Bed and Breakfast (ahhh the wonderful memories). Take care.

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