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Normal Info

Name: Kathleen Kirby

Age: 15

Birthday: February 3, you gonna get me something?

Location: Nederland, Texas

Grade and School: Freshman at Nederland Highschool

My Looks: Short blond hair, brown eyes, 5"2, and 95 lbs.

Hobbies: partying, shopping, hanging out with friends, talking on the phone, and singing

Family Info

Siblings: My sissy, she's 27

Pets: A cat named Punkin and a land hermit crab named Kachelle


Fave Color: blue, orange, yellow, neon green

Fave Movies: MIB, The Fifth Element, Titanic, Romeo & Juliet, and Music from Another Room

Fave Old Movie: That Night

Favorite singers and bands: Creed, Trisha Yearwood, Blink-182, Tonic, Oleander, Burlap to Cashmere, and BuckCherry.