Adams, Peter L.
Adams, William L.
Augustine, Joseph
Awalt, Isaac R.
Betts, Isaac R.
Bonner, Oliver A., Sgt.
Campbell, Jefferson, Jr.2nd Lt.
Campbell, Robert B.
Chitwood, Adam
Clark, Lawrence, Cpl.
Colgin, Richard E.
Crouch, James A.
Drake, Thomas M., Cpl.
Echols, Benjamin R.
Ferrell, William H.
Fife, James H.
George, Gains
Glenn, Jacob W.
Groomaz, Exiver
Hagan, Jesse
Harvey, James
Hoover, Abraham
Jobe, Moses
Lee, Levi
Lee, Robert
Locket John M.
McChord, Erasmus D.
McSwane, Peter R., Sgt.
Miller, Manish
Moreland, Lucius L.
Newby, Uriah E.
Overstreet, Daniel S.
Overstreet, James
Overstreet, Thomas
Persons, Daniel
PruiL Francis M.
Quimby, Hanse R., Sgt.
Robertson, Abe
Shanks, Robert J.
Small, John K.
Stephens, Merial
Tacker, Robert J.
Tull, Isaac W.
Walker, James
Watson, John C., 1st Lt.
Welch, Henry B.
Williams, David H.
Wills, Simon W.
Texans in the Civil War
The General Store