Optional page text here. 13th Texas Cavalry

13th Texas Cavalry

Company E

Allen, Clabom W., 2nd Lt.

Aly, John, Far.

Avant, William W.

Ballard, William, Cpl.

Ballow, John W., 1st Sgt.

Barber, Robert V.

Bell, George A.

Boyd, Larkin M.

Bradford, Powell L.

Buie, John A.

Burk, Andrew J.

Burk, John D.

Butler, Elijah M.

Butler, Joseph A.

Butler, Thomas D.

Butler, William A.

Cargile, James L., 2nd Lt.

Carpenter, W.H.

Clanahan, William R.

Clark, James

Conner, Andrew J.

Crawford, John A.

Crawford, William B.

Dill, John W.

Easterwood, Silas D.

Eastland, James, Capt.

Elston, David E.

Etheredge, Lewis, Sgt.

Evans, F.P.

Evans, James J.

Flinn, Powhattan T.

Gardner, Othneil

Gardner, William

Gililland, William B., Music.

Goodnight, Henry

Cjoodnight Thomas, Cpl.

Gosnell, Elisha

Gray, Thomas G.

Green, Andrew J.

Green, Samuel S.

Guthrie, James T.

Guthrie, John C.

Guthrie, Samuel H.

Hall, Edward A.

Hanson, Joseph N.

Harkins, Robert T.

Harkins, William P.

Harper, Andrew J., Teamster

Head, Geo. W.

Holloway, James L.

Jennings, Elbert E., 1st Lt.

Jones, Crawford F., Sgt.

Lambert, John

Matthews, John H.

Matthews, Thomas P.

McBride, James, Cpl.

McBride, Lewis A., 1st Sgt.

McBride, Littleton B.

McCarty, John D.

McCarty, William H.

McCollum, William

McDougaid, Duncan J., Cpl.

McMorris, George W.H., Sgt.

McMorris, John T., Sgt.

Meatis, E.M.

Meeks, Elijah, 1st Sgt.

Miller, Andrew W.J.

Miller, James T.

Miller, John B.

Mitchell, Andrew J.

Mitchell, John W.

Mitchell, Samuel H.

Mitchell, Wilson J.J.

Morehead, James

Neill, G.C., Jr., 2nd Lt.

Netherland, Lewis

Norfleet, Newton W.

Payne, Andrew J.

Payne, William K., Capt.

Piearcy, John W.

Reid, James S., Teamster

Reynolds, Charles

Rounsaville, James B., Capt.

Rushing, Felix

Rushing, William R., Sgt.

Sanders, William K.

Shelton, J.

Simmons, DeKalb

Simmons, Elias

Simmons, Lafayette

Teah, Bernard,1st Lt.

Thomas, Isaac G.

Tison, William T.

Webb, William E.

Weldon, William D.

Westbrook, John W.

Williams, Robert D., 1st Sgt.

Williams, Thomas C., Sgt.

Williams, Thomas C., Jr., Cpl.

Williams, William

Witherspoon, Abel N.

York, George W.

Texans in the Civil War
The General Store