Optional page text here. 16th Texas Cavalry

16th Texas Cavalry

Company C

Adaholts, William

Allison, Samuel H.

Anderson, John J.

Anderson, William A., 2nd Lt.

Austin, Thomas H., Sgt

Aylor, John W.

Barnhill, Elijah, Cpl.

Bartholomew, Charles L.

Batchelor, James

Bell, Darius J.

Bigby, Henry C.

Bridges, John H.

Brogden, William S., Sgt.

Burleson, James C.

Burleson, William D.

Camp, James C.

Camp, John L.

Carr, Brice M.

Cook, George W.

Couts, Thomas H.

Dawson, Nicholas H. De Graffinried, Reuben D.

Deckerman, John T.

Diamond, William W., Lt.Col.

Dickerman, Daniel B., Jr.2nd Lt.

Dickerman, George A., 2nd Lt.

Dickerman, John S.

Dobbins, James F.

Douglass, Alfred M., I st Lt.

Douglass, Burtis F.

Douglass, WC.

Edmondson, William

Eubanks, Thomas P.

Evans, John R.

Ferguson, I.D.

Flint J.M.

Gardenhire, James B.

Garrison, Lewis C.

Graham, Voinaire A.

Gray, Almond J.

Gray, Levin C., I st Sgt.

Haley, Thomas, Cpl.

Hall, Isaac

Harris, Joseph

Hart George R.

Hicks, David C.

High, Woodson, Cpl.


Holloway, George W.

Hull, Isaac

Hull, William, Cpl.

Inglish, Robert

Inglish, Wharton C.

Jackson, Benjamin G.

Johnson, Robert B., Cpl.

Johnson, William, Sgt.

Jones, Philip S.

Jones, William J.N.

Kendall, George S.

Kimberling, Henry C.

Klepper, Joseph W.

Lanman, William C.

Long, Jonathan, Cpl.

Mason, A.J.

McCool, George H.

McFarland, Fiuis M., I st Sgt.

McGlothlin, George W., Ist Lt.

McGuire, James

McGuire, Nicholas M.

McMuny, James M.

Miller, Joshua

Mondier, Peter L.

Montgomery, John H.

Montgomery, Lucian P.

Moore, Albert B.

Moore, Samuel, Cpl.

Morgan, James D.

Morrow, George D.

Nayson, Samuel

Neely, Charles

Newcome, George W., Comsy.

Odenniel, George W.

Parker, Edward W.

Parks, Joseph C.

Parrish, McDonald

Parrish, William L., Sgt.

Patton, George W.

Pennington, William

Pope, John M., 3rd Lt.

Ramsey, Lemuel

Reasenover, John

Robertson, Jason G., Sgt.

Ross, Erastus B., Cpl.

Ross, Theodore A.

Russell, Jesse G.

Savage, Hiram F.

Scott, Jesse H.

Scott, John L.

Scott, W.J.

Shears, John

Sheers, Harrison

Simmons, Edward

Slimp, Thomas M.

Stahl, Ezra

Stallcup, John W.

Stephens, Henry

Taylor, Isaac B.

Thornhill, Franklin, Sgt.

Walker, Preston

Wallace, Elmore D.

Watson, Morton

Welidon, Franklin

Wheeler, Thomas H.

Williams, William W.

Williwnson, Joseph S.

Williard, Henry C.

Wimberly, Edgar

Witcher, Arinstead M., Cpl.

Witcher, John H.

Woods, James D., Capt.

Yancy, Alilliain B.

Texans in the Civil War
The General Store