Optional page text here. Code Description 16th Texas Cavalry

16th Texas Cavalry

Company E

Bowles, William B., 3rd Lt.

Boyle, John W.

Braly, H.S.

Briscoe, Isaac N., Cpl.

Briscoe, James R.

Briscoe, John B.

Briscoe, John R., Capt.

Brown, Daniel B., Cpl.

Coleman, Henry

Coleman, Thomas

Cook, John H., Cpl.

Copeland, Francis M.

Copeland, Hardin

Copeland, Martin V.

Cospar, David S.

Cosper, Hampton

Cross, Benson

Darling, Hector, Cpl.

Davis, Matthews

Dickson, Alfred B., Sgt.

Dodson, Beverly R.

Elliott, Enoch A.

Forshee, Joseph. Cpl.

Frith, Sebastian C., I st Lt.

Gailey, Wiley

Grace, James

Hall, John

Harris, Benjamin R.

Harris. Stanford

Hawkins, William A.

Hendricks, John K.

Hensley, Jesse

Hopper, John

Hudson, Daniel E.

Joiliff, James R.

Jordon, Peyton

Kearley, Enoch C., Sgt.

Kelly, James

Kilgore, Ira F., 3rd Lt.

Kilgore, William H.

King, James S.

Love, John W.

McGlothlin, Smith

McNutt, W.R.

Mintum, Henry

Nutt, Washington

Parsley, Franklin

Pendleton, Eldridge H., 1st Lt.

Pendleton, Melvin C.

Pettijohn, John

Pitt, William

Plummer, Henry, Cpl.

Purcell, John

Quinn, George R.

Ramsey, Robert


Reeser, Benjamin

Reeser, James

Reeser, Thomas

Robinson, Elisha H., Sgt.

Roundtree, Francis

Russell, James K.P., 1st Lt.

Ruth, James M.

Samson, James

Stanford, James R.

Stanford, William C., Ist Lt.

Stewart, John

Stone, John B., Sgt.

Stone, William R.

Thom, William A.

Tindall, James M., 2nd Lt.

Tweedle, Finus

Vanhuss, Finly

Waddill, Dudly M., 2nd Lt.

Walker, James 0.

We-er, William T.G., Capt.

White, J.C.

White, John M.

White, Media, Sgt.

Willcoxon, Robert E.

Williams, Benjamin

Williams, Jackson

Williams, John L.

Williams, John S., Cpl.

Williams, Thomas W.

Wilson, John Q.T.

Wright, Martin

Yager, Lewis W,

Yager, Thomas P.

Zackry, Alexander

Texans in the Civil War
The General Store