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18th Texas Cavalry

Company C

Armstrong, John B.

Bass, Abraham

Bass, Nathan W.

Beckner, Henry C.

Bennett, Columbus

Bradshaw, David A.

Brock, J.M.C.


Brooks, James B.

Brouder, James M.

Browder, Ed C., Capt.

Brown, Thomas J.

Bryant, Silas R.

Bunmers, John M.

BurketL Henry, Cpl.

Byron, Val T.

Campbell, Jerry

Caruthers, John D.

Cheshier, Eldridge

Cheshier, William S.

Coats, James A.

Coats, John H.

Coats, John W.

Coats, Samuel

Cochran, Archibald H., Capt.

Cole, Green A., 2nd Lt.

Combs, Robert

Compton, Hiram J.

Compton, William R.

Cornelius, George W.

Comett, Flavius J., Sgt.

Cruse, Grandison

Cruse, William

Curby, Ben

Custard, William

Davis, Lafaycne

Davis, William D.

Davis, William H.

Daviin, George W.

Dial, Thomas C.

Dickson, Charles

Dowd, Monroe

Dufour, Charles, Sgt.

Dunlap, Thomas A.

Durrett, Rice W., 2nd Lt.

Dye, George W.

Edmondson, John W., 1st Lt.

Edmunson, Richard M.

Ewen, John

Farrar, Abram P.

Futrell, Daniel J.

Gordon, Thomas

Gradvohol, Morris

Grove, Isham A., Sgt.

Haden, James H.

Hamilton, James A.

Harrison, D.

Haws, Thomas J.

Henderson, James P., Sgt.

Irby, Stephen

Jones, Jesse

Jordan, David, Cpl.

Jordan, John W.

Kirby, Benjamin C.

Knopfly, Jacob

Lamb, Martin

Lane. John W., 2nd Lt.

Lane, Stephen S., 1st Lt.

Lanham, Thomas B.

Leonard, Thomas S.

Little, Rilev T.

Loving, Henrv D.

Luck, John. Sgt.

Luck, Thomas L.

Lucus, Thomas

Manning, Robert

Manning, Samuel

Manning, William B.

McDaniel, Benjamin F.

McDaniel, Isaac

McDaniel, John

McDaniel, John S.

McDermitt- William A.

McDowell, Marion

McLane, Robert N.

Montgomery, Oscar

Moon, Jesse

Myers, William

Needham. James

Nelson, Daniel

Nelson, John W.

Nichols, Silas D.

Owen, James H., Sgt.

Pickens, Mathew J., Cpl.

Pike, John

Pike, William H.

Pounds, Balas O.C.

Pruitt, Willis J., Cpl.

Pugh, Jesse M.

Pugh, Prendo C.

Ramsy, C.L.

Reedy, Benjamin F.

Reedy, David W.

Reedy, George W.

Rice, George W.

Riley, James W.

Rogers, Samuel J.

Royer, Julis

Rush, Sashel A., Sgt.

Scurlock, Reuben J.

Sheppard, John M., Sr.2nd Lt.

Simmons, William H.P.

Smith, Thomas D.

Smith, William H.

Spillers, John G.

Stockton, James P.

Stockton, William W., Cpl.

Story, William

Strader, Robert

Straton, Warner W.

Stults, William

Summers, John M.

Swindells, John W., Coms).Sgt.

Tallant, Jackson

Taylor, Thomas Henry

Thompson, Aaron C.

Thompson, William B.

Upchurch, Jwnes A., Black.

Walker, Ben, Sgt.

Wallace, Henry C.

West, William W., Cpl.

White, William R.

Whitsel, William H.

Woodlief, Thomas J.

Woodruff, T.J.

Wright, Anninus, Sgt.

Texans in the Civil War
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