Optional page text here. 19th Texas Infantry

19th Texas Infantry

Company F

Allen, John T.

Bailey, J.M.

Bankston, Joseph, Cpl.

Barker, F.M.

Bateman, K.D., 1st Lt.

Beck, G.W.

Bell, Thomas H., Sgt.

Blanton, William R.

Boren, B.N.

Bryson, F.M.

Carlton, William H.

Clark, James J.

Clark, William H.

Coleman, M.W.

Coppedge, C.C., Jr.2nd Lt.

Crain, F.M.

Crisenberry, H.M.

Crossland, R.R.

Dellafield, Charles

Evans, W.A.

Favor, Henry, Jr.

Featherston, E.H.

Figures, J.C.

Figures, R.A.

Finley, G.P.

Foster, John Newton

Gentry, Moulton

Golden, J.A.

Green, W.L., Cpl.

Griffin, J.P.

Griffin, W.H.

Hanar, Frank D.

Hanner, John M.

Haris, C.B.

Hass, J.R.

Heatherly, Rufus

Henry, Archibald

Hervey, J.P., Surg.

Honey, J.W., Cpl.

Jackson, Henry

Jackson, M.W.

Jackson, Thomas

Kelly, J.C.

Kelly, James S., Cpl.

Kelly, Reuben

Kirkpatrick, A.W., Cpl.

Kirkpatrick, JR.

Kirkpatrick, J.W., Sgt.

Kirkpatrick, W.P.

Knox, G.H.

Knox, J.W.

Knox, R.W.

Koon, John J.

Martin, J.T.

Mason, William H., 2nd Lt.

McBride, John

McCoy, E.H.

McKimens, A.

McLane, L.D.

Moody, W.M.

Moore, J.H.

Perdue, A.E., Sgt.Maj.

Perdue, S.A.

Poland, William

Poole, M.L., Sgt.

Posey, George

Proctor, S.W.

Rwnsey, A.E.

Ramsey, F.L.M.

Ramsey, John

Redding, M.C.

Ridgeway, Jarret

Ridgeway, Marion

Robbins, G.W.

Rogers, G.W.

Ross, F.M., Sgt.

Rufus, H.

Russell, Call

Salmon, John H.

Salmon, W.B.

Schaffer, C.F., Sgt.

Seals, James

Sedbeny, John D., 1st Sgt.

Sedbeny, T.D., Capt.

Self, William J.

Smith, F.A.

Smith, John F.

Smith, Richard

Smith, W.H.

Sowell, James

Spellings, S.G., Cpl.

Starr, Jesse

Staff, Joseph A., Cpl.

Stephens, J.M.

Stringfellow, Enoch

Stutz, F.

Taylor, Ward, Jr.

Vickers, Thomas J., 1st Sgt.

Voipe, A.M.

White, Thomas M.

Wilson, H.

Wimberly, W.C.

Wimberly, W.P.

Witherspoon, H., Surg.

Wood, J.F.

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