Optional page text here. 16th Texas Infantry

16th Texas Infantry

Company C

Arista, Manuel

Arrolaer, John E.

Austeatt, Emil

Bell, J.C.

Bird, Joseph , Captain

Bostick, Charles W.

Bowers, Marmion H., Captain

Brace, Rodney

Bradford, Joseph

Breadsnyder, Edmond

Breeder, C.

Campbell, John

Carrington, Robert E.

Choat, Gabriel

Cloghken, John T.

Collins, Daniel

Corbut, M.

Cude, John M.

Cude, Solomon Marion

Davis, William, 1st Sgt.

Desing, William

Devine, John

Devine, Patrick

Feazle, W.F.

Ferrell, David C.

Filey, J.

Finley, Jacob

Ford, Thomas W.

Freeman, George

Furguson, George

Gedlich, John

Gibson, B.M.

Glass, Edmond

Glass, Theodore

Godbey, B.F.

Goeke, Henry, Musician

Golding, George

Grumbkon, Otto

Guyman, M.

Hall, B.W., 2nd Lt.

Hall, Hayden H.

Healner, Peter

Henrison, J.J.

Heuvel, G.M.

Hill, William H.

Huffman, Charles B.

Jennings, F.P.

Jones, S.L.

Kelley, Peter

Klobedans, John C. , Pvt.

Lawson, John

Leon, B.

Lewis, Harrison, Sgt.

Lewis, John

Lockwood, B.F., Jr. 2nd Lt.

Luthkie, Charles

Marrs, M.A., Cpl.

Marrs, Thomas W.

Marrs, W.B.

Martin, Josephus

Mayes, J.M., Cpl.

McCroden, Mike

McFall, Hiram

McGill, Frank

McRae, A.

Medlin, Jarred

Medlin, Marion

Mourland, William R.

Murphey, J.W., Cpl.

O’Niel, William

Padgett, J.C.

Pearson, Joseph H.

Pearson, Michael

Peery, Andrew G., Cpl.

Petell, John

Peters, F.A.

Ray, Archy

Ray, Charles

Robinson, William R.

Sachtleben, A.H.

Sachtleben, August

Sachtleben, Charles

Seelhorst, Aug.

Shepard, William J.

Shilling, Matthew

Shipp, William A.

Simmons, William S.

Slack, John B.

Spann, John G., Sgt.

Spann, John R.

Stevens, Young R., Sgt.

Stuckey, Prew

Talley, Jacob C.

Vance, Davidson

Vaughn, James, 2nd Lt.

Vincent, Giles

Wacker C.F., Sgt.

Wade, Tindsley D.

Watson, Benjamin W.

Webb, Thomas

Wheeler, Alexander

Windel, C.F.

Wood, Elihu, Cpl.

Woodard, Andrew

Texans in the Civil War
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