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Gould's Battalion

Gould’s Battalion (6th Texas Cavalry Battalion)

Gould's Battalion was organized in May 1862 at Porter Springs, Houston County, Texas by Robert S. Gould of Leon County. The men in Gould’s Battalion were from Houston, Leon, Madison and Trinity counties. This battalion numbered about 525 men and was first attached to the 13th Texas Cavalry, but became an independent battalion. Afterwards, it was placed in General Horace Randal's, 2nd Brigade, Walker's Division. On November 12, 1864, Major Gould was promoted Lieutenant Colonel and Captain William Viser was promoted to Major. Major Brannan died in October of 1866 from wounds suffered at Battle of Mansfield. and is buried in the Viser Cemetery in Midway, Madison County, Texas. Gould’s battalion participated in the battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill, Louisiana Names of the Officers of Gould's Battalion were Colonel Robert S. Gould, Surgeon W.E. Saunders, Quartermaster Henry D. Patrick, Adjutant Thomas Carson Brannan, Captain P.I. Holly of Company A, Captain William W. Veser of Company B, Captain James McClean of Company C, Captain Thomas J. Thorn of Company D and Captain A.G. Rogers of Company E.

Officers of Gould's Battalion
Major, Robert S.Gould
Surgeon, W.E. Saunders
Quartermaster, Henry D. Patrick
Adjutant, T.C. Brannan
Company A

Captain, P.I. Holly
1st Lieut., W.R. Hulett
2nd Lieut., S.S. Strong
2nd Lieut., E.W. Womack
Company B

Captain, William W. Vesser
1st Lieut., Neil McMillian
2nd Lieut., J.T. Closs
2nd Lieut., T.L. Camp
Company C

Captain, James McClean
2nd Lieut., D.B. Grigsby
2nd Lieut., R.H. Grigsby
Company D

Captain, Thomas J. Thorn
1st Lieut., J.D. Polk
2nd Lieut., L.D. Goodwin
2nd Lieut., Sam Hanna
Company E

Captain, A.G. Rogers
1st Lieut., T.J. Nison
2nd Lieut., I.R. Barbee
2nd Lieut., C.G. Wooten
On November 12, 1864, Companies A and B of the squadron of Cavalry attached to the Division, was dismounted and attached to Gould's Battalion. Major Gould was promoted Lieut-Colonel, and Captain Viser to Major of the same.
Source: J.P. Blessington's "The Campaigns of Walker's Texas Division"

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Email: rhowald527@aol.com