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Our links

This list of links is to people and bands who have helped us, or who are staying true to their words. BY all means this page is not done. If you don't see your band or name on here ask yourself two questions did I really try to help these guys out or am I a bitch who said I liked these guys just so they would advertise me in return? If some of these links don't work please email me at

Asinine-These guys are a straight-edge metal band with a sense of humor. Check out there sounds.

Counterpart-Site designed by the famous Marlies Meijer for the band Counterpart from ZeeLand.

Ruthless-Good site for the band Ruthless who happen to also be from across the pond.(The atlantic you nimrod!)Also designed by someone who needs no introduction...Marlies!

ToEachHisOwn-these guys know what hardcore is about. Old school and true to the scene. Keep it up.

Land of the Free, Home off the Slaves-A cool Biohazrd site run by the famous Marlies from the Netherlands.

D.R.I.-Yes the official site run by Spike himself. He still supports texas hardcore, our guestbook is proof.

No use for a Title-The originator of this site. If you like god and the colors pink and baby blue this is the place for you. Even if you don't check it out.

Drist-The site for our new drummer Harolds old band.

Upshot-Cool band out of El Paso, Tx.

Houston Hardcore and Straightedge page-the name says it all. Get all the info. on what is going on in the scene.

Will To Live-These guys have been tearin' up Houston for a while now. If you like hardcore it's here in full effect.

eyeagainst-A very intense band with an equally intense live show. If you haven't seen them live you are missing out.

The Molested-A newly reformed Houston Drunk Rock band that are old friends of ours. Good people, great sound!

All of these people and bands are staying true and keepin' it real, so check them out.