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What's going on with Retaliate


Retaliate is collectivley taking a break. Shawn, Jon, and Harold are all working full time, while Jude has returned to college. Retaliate is, however, continuing writing new material and will begin practicing in mid-october. The first comeback show will either be the last week of October or the first week of November. 7/26

Retaliate has settled things with harold and he will continue to be there drummer for Retaliate. 5/5

We are going to be in the studio on may 9th. We will be recording 5 new songs two of which will be on compilations. Check out the news from 4/28 to learn more about that.

Sorry for the confusion anout the shows lately. We were not aware of the show that was scheduled for may 2nd, that is why we missed it. We have many shows in the working and will not have them finalized until next week be patient.


Should have been at our show on the 17th iy was a good one. Special props out to the fourth member of Retaliate Shawn Terry! He didn't screw up and only had two weeks to learn the songs.

Retaliate is going to be on the new Broken Note Records compilation. We will be going to the studio to record a new song for it. Retaliate might also be on a German comp. done by Autark Records. It depends if we get into the studio in time. More info to come.

We recently found a Retaliate demo dating back to early '97. We will probably start making demos of all of our unreleased stuff so if you want one write Retaliate at NWHC


The website was updated. I just decided to change things a bit. 3/31

Retaliate has begun practicing with their new line-up. Things went very well and we are going to be playing the Oven the last week in April. So, keep an eye out.


First off we would like to say all the bands we played with on 3/28 at Zelda's. Everyone had energy and just went off. As for Retaliate it was not a good one for us. We tried and had an off night, oh well. I would like to say I was very impressed by the crowd though during our set. The second we got on they took a couple steps back and left our friend Shawn plenty of room to tear it up for himself. I haven't seen such good impressions of statues in a long time. Much props goes out to their ability to stand still.

Retaliate is having some line-up changes. Yours truly, Retaliates bassist Jude Sisk, is moving to the guitar. Our guitarist, Jon Cosky, is moving to vocals and, lastly, we are getting a brand new member to play bass. Shawn Terry, one of the most vehement NWHC members will be tearing it up with us from now on. I will have a picture of him up soon.

I hope this makes someone mad, but we are just going to stay in you face. Retaliate has been around for a while now and we have always been one of the most resented bands in Houston. We were getting banned from clubs years ago and we haven't stopped yet. The Turmoil show is just a set back. When we play in April we are going to be in full effect. We have standards of playing we just didn't reach that at our last show. We are going to have to make up for that with the next. No matter what happens we aren't giving up.


Retaliate is planning a tour for mid-June. We are planning on doing a few dates in Louisianna and a few in throught Texas. We are in the process of getting some thing together with Asinine in early may so check with them or us for more details.


Retaliate has been pretty busy with shows recently. We have played in cities like Austin and Nachodoges. Having done that we suggest never playing Nachodoges. The show in Austin on 3/20 went really well. All the bands played bad ass sets. I will have a picture from our set up in a few days. I have to wait until Paul from ToEachHisOwn sends it to me.

We are going to play Houston on 3/28 and it will be our first apperance in Houston in over 2 months. We will be playing with Turmoil, Will To Live, Eyeagainst, Haste, and Finer Truth. It will be a great show so be sure to be there. We will also be playing in Odessa, Tx around May 8. If you are from west Texas be sure to come check out that show. Adios and keep in touch.