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Yo. right off the bat I would like to thank to people who helped this site alot. First, is Mikki Norris. This site was her idea and owe her dearly for how she has helped. Secondly, I would like to thank Patrick Fendley. Not only is he a brother to me, a founder of NWHC, but he helped me with the first set of images. Much love and respect to you Pat. Next, I would like to thank Josh from Asinine. He has really helped me out on the sound section. Props to you!

This is my friend Patrick taking the mic at one of our shows. It's got to be a team effort. If you are at one of our shows and know the words feel free to jump up and sing along.

Thanx to the following: Jon Cosky, Harold Rucker, the entire NWHC crew(I am sorry I did not list you all at this time, I will eventually but there are so many I might forget one being that it is very late at night while I am doing this, but I will put up the list eventually), Will to Live, Eyeagainst, Roger and Vinnie from Agnostic Front, Matt from Dropkick Murphy's, Josh from Asinine, Paul from ToEachHisOwn, and You for checking out this site.

And thanx to these bands for inspiration: Black Flag, DRI,Warzone(Rip Raybeez), Biohazard, Cro-mags(my choice), Skarhead, Madball, Hatebreed, Murphy's Law, Sick Of It All, Misfits, Circle Jerks, Slayer, Pantera, The Clash, Glue Gun, Brian Setzer, Cheater, SSD, Youth of Today, Gorrilla Biscuits, Ramones, Fear, Suicidal Tendencies, ALL(Descendents), Minor Threat, Rollins Band, Bad Brains, and Anthrax.