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What's New With The Rockenfield Review?

Monday, November, 8, 1999
I'm back for those of you who might have missed me. Scott and Paul are currently in the process of shopping their post-TeleVoid collaboration "Hells Canyon" to record labels. Virgin Records, Queensryche's new label, has first dibs on the project. More info on that as soon as it becomes available....

Queensryche has a new album "Q2K" available in stores now. They are also on tour in support of this album as we speak.

Friday, August 21, 1998
I received word from a source close to Scott today informing me that Scott is NOT leaving the band. Queensryche is in the process of recording their upcoming album (nothing new there) and that Chris' decision to leave has not only been a good thing for him but for the band as well.

Friday, August 14, 1998
I've updated the page with a few cosmetic changes. You will find most of them on Links page.

Monday, August 3, 1998
The rumor mill is working over time lately. The word is out that Scott Rockenfield might be leaving Queensryche. While I have not had any official confirmation of this....I have not heard any official denials either.

Sunday, June 28, 1998
There are a few songs on TeleVoid that have lyrics and I have them posted for you to read. Go here to see them.
Coming very soon is an interview with Scott that Rick Moore was kind enough to send me. Look for that very soon.

Thursday, May 14, 1998
Courtesy of Paul Speer I now have exclusive pictures that were taken during the making of TeleVoid. Go here to see. After many complaints on the unavailability of TeleVoid, Paul and Scott met with the distributors. They're hoping that this will make TeleVoid more accessible to the public. The good news is that this dynamic duo will be continuing their partnership in the future. They're taking a brief hiatus while Queensryche is in the studio recording their new album. There's also a possibility of Paul and Scott doing a promotional tour in support of TeleVoid. Stay tuned for details on this.

Tuesday, March 24, 1998
What we've all been waiting for is finally finally here!! TeleVoid is being released today in VHS and CD formats. Check your local retailers (see here for a list of stores that carry Miramar products) and get your copy today. Those of you in Seattle don't forget the RELEASE PARTY tonight at Fenix Above Ground. Go here for that information.

Monday, March 16, 1998
I received word today that Miramar will be having a TeleVoid release party in Seattle. Check here for the details on that. The Rockenfield Review also has a new E-mail address. It is

Thursday, February 26, 1998
A countdown has begun to the official release date of TeleVoid. I have also updated the page with a list of the places where Miramar products are available for those of you interested in purchasing TeleVoid when it comes out.