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Book and Story News

Welcome to the page of updates concerning Mr. King's books and stories. These are arranged chronologically so the newest entries are listed first. For older items, just scroll. And enjoy.

Mr. King's works are usually available through most bookstores and book dealers. Many of the limited editions are available widespread as well, especially from online sources, but as few pieces are actually produced they tend to sell out quickly.

Oh my, it's been quite a while since anything was added here. Mostly, it's for good reason: there wasn't a lot happening. However, the last few weeks have provided plenty of exceptions so let's get started. First off, Lisey's Story came out on October 24 so if you don't already have a copy...get one! And for the adult segment of the Constant Readers, the most recent Playboy issue (December 2006), which may already be widely available, contains the King short story Willa. For the more faint of heart, and those under 18, Willa will likely be included in a collection at a later date. If you're a Dark Tower fan, mark January 17 on your calendar and keep an eye out for Marvel Spotlight: Dark #14. It goes on sale that day will have a feature on the upcoming Dark Tower graphic series. And now for some random goodies: Mr. King has revealed the "discovery" of a new Bachman novel purportedly penned in 1973. There is no word on its future but keep your ears open. The last of the Talisman series is yet to come and here's a juicy snippet on Mr. King's next book, Duma Key: it's set in Florida and involves a man named Edgar Freemantle who loses his arm in an accident and has paranormal symptomatology (whatever that means) relating to phantom limb sensations. I'm sure it'll be a lot of good, King, fun. Don't forget to check out the other goodies linked from The New Lot.

Lisey's Story is available for pre-order but is still expected out in October. Scribner's description of the novel is as follows:

------- "Lisey Debusher Landon lost her husband Scott two years ago, after a twenty five year marriage of the most profound and sometimes frightening intimacy. Lisey knew there was a place Scott went—a place that both terrified and healed him, could eat him alive or give him the ideas he needed in order to live. Now it's Lisey's turn to face Scott's demons, Lisey's turn to go to Boo'ya Moon. What begins as a widow's effort to sort through the papers of her celebrated husband becomes a nearly fatal journey into the darkness he inhabited.
-------Perhaps King's most personal and powerful novel ever, Lisey's Story is about the wellspings of creativity, the temptations of madness, and the secret language of love."

In other news, a parody interview with Trisha McFarland, from The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, appeared in a Pennsylvania newspaper. For the full article, just follow the link below.
Click here

The King-Mellencamp project The Ghost Brothers of Darkland County is looking for a director, according to Mellencamp. "Elton John opened his musical in San Francisco, and it lasted all of seven days before they closed it down and decided to rework it." So they currently plan to begin in another city, like Chicago, to smooth off the rough edges and "get the kinks out before we try to take it to Broadway." He added, "When we hit Broadway, we want it ready."

After a lull in King-related news, I'm happy to offer a link to a Boston newspaper article on an interview about Cell with details about Malden, MA. You'll find some interesting tidbits in there, including a very fitting coincidence and some great King/New York humor. For the full article, follow the link below.
Click here

A couple updates for you today:
1) At his appearance at FSU's Seven Days of Opening Nights festival, Mr. King read an all new short story called Memory about "a wealthy building contractor who is almost crushed to death when he's run over by a construction crane on a job site," according to the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. For the full article and more on the short story, follow the first link below.

2) Entertainment Weekly now has King's latest column posted, titled Mistakes Were Made. It's about talent, the fickle hand of fame, and an alt-country band called Diesel Doug and the Long Haul Truckers. For the full article, follow the second link below.

3) Last but not least, an update on the Marvel comic series based on Roland and the Dark Tower books. It seems the series will be divided into two parts, the first of which recounts portions of Wizard and Glass, namely the "Hambry section," in seven editions. The second part, and all following editions, involve the gap between Roland leaving Hambry and the fall of Gilead.
That's all for today, Constant Readers.
Click here for Memory
Click here for Mistakes

A small Cell-related update for you today...and don't worry about spoilers, it won't ruin the story for anyone. The winner of the September 2005 auction for a character in Cell, whose bid-war ended somewhere over $25,000, remained nameless for some time. For those of you still wondering, the winner was Pam Huizenga. Her character, Ray Huizenga in the book, is purportedly based on her brother and described by the author himself as an "heroic character, and I got to like him a lot."

[Co-posted on Movie and General News as well] How would you like to have Stephen King in your living room for an hour? Well, okay, since he's not really big on house-calls, here's the next best thing: radio. If you missed the hour program with Stephen King on Voice of America's program Talk to America, it's still not too late to listen in. The show originally aired on February 17th and is available for free download, just follow the link below. As part of the show, Mr. King answered questions posed by listeners, including those relating to future projects (a third Talisman and Dark Tower mention, among others). Downloads are available in RealAudio or mp3.
Click here

A vague bit of news today, and none too new at that: Mr. King recently participated in the Writers In Paradise Conference (late January, in Florida) where he publicly read a new short story, Willa. The 7500-word tale is purportedly "about a group of people waiting for a train to come pick them up after theirs was derailed," according to a Conference attendee. Though no plans for publication have been mentioned, it will likely be a candidate for inclusion in a future King collection. Mr. King also mentioned Florida as a possible setting for a future novel, but shared no further specifics. I've included an excerpt of a local newspaper's article highlighting the information.

Ripened enough for Stephen King
----- By Donna Winchester
ST. PETERSBURG - America's most popular horror writer had good news for his Florida fans Saturday night.
----- Stephen King, who has been a part-time resident of Sarasota for several years, told a packed auditorium at Eckerd College that he is nearly ready to set a novel in his adopted state. "You have to get a little bit of texture for a place," King said. "We've been down here now spending about half the year since 1998. I think I have an idea for a book."
----- King's appearance was the kickoff event for the college's second Writers in Paradise Conference. King, 58, began by reading a new short story titled Willa, and then spent another half-hour fielding questions.
----- He also spoke about the nature of evil and its place in his work. "We all face evil on a daily basis," King said. "I think that most people stand up to it pretty well, but it's not easy. Most of the characters in my books walk away. But they never walk away unhurt. That's my understanding of how life works. In the end, none of us get out alive."

----- Source: St. Petersburg Times

While I'm swerving a bit off the main course, I might as well mention Tabitha's upcoming release as well, Candles Burning. The new novel was described as "an extraordinary southern saga begun by Michael McDowell and finished after his death by Tabitha King. Known for his chilling Blackwater series, author Michael McDowell left behind the unfinished manuscript for Candles Burning upon his death in 1999. In the spirit of the ghost stories that Michael loved, Tabitha King has taken up where he left off, weaving a Southern gothic fabric of murder, guilt, innocence, corruption, and survival, in the voices of the living and the dead." The release date is set for June 6, 2006; that's 6-6-06 for the numerically minded. Follow the link below for more information.
Click here

Slightly off-topic here, I suppose, but I just learned that Mr. King's son Owen recently published a book. Titled We're All in This Together: A Novella and Stories, it was released on July 5, 2005 and has been well received: "a compelling, imaginative debut collection of four short stories both creepy and heartfelt, plus a compassionate novella about a 15-year-old son of a single mother." One reviewer stated, "This original collection heralds the arrival of the next generation." Perhaps this apple didn't fall far from its tree. For more about the book, follow the link below.
Click here

Today's first and most notable update may disappoint a lot of Dark Tower fans: the release of Marvel Comics' series based on Mr. King's hero Roland Deschain has been pushed back. Instead of a first issue in April 2006, as originally planned, the new date will be closer to February 2007. This 10-month delay is intentional - a busy 2006 schedule was cited as affecting the change - and no other postponements are expected. Update #2, albeit more vague than the first: work continues on Ghost Brothers of Darkland County, the project with John Mellancamp. On a side note for the site, the King's Favorites webpages have been completed, outling what King has described as his favorite music, movie, and book choices of the last year. More information will be added as it becomes available so check back periodically for new additions.
Click here for King's Favorites

Cell hits shelves tomorrow so get that wallet ready and be prepared to fear your cell phone. Simon & Schuster set up a site devoted to the release and have some great extras, including ringtones, for download. It's definitely worth a visit so if you are interested, just follow the link below.
Click here

Heads up, Constant Readers! Mr. King's Entertainment Weekly column is posting the first TWO chapters of his upcoming novel Cell, FREE for all to read. To take advantage of this sneak peak, follow the link below.
Click here

Remember a couple weeks ago when I mentioned some big but secretive King news in the works? Well today the news officially broke. Six short stories - including The Road Virus Heads North, Uncle Otto's Truck, The Rainy Season, and The Reach - from Mr. King's various collections are being re-released as a special graphic novel illustrated by Glenn Chadbourne. The Secretary of Dreams, as the new work is called, is hailed "a work of art" and its publisher assures Constant Readers that "not one word from King's stories has been left out." Special Gift, Limited, and Lettered Editions are available. And, as if that isn't news enough, a second volume with six more stories is planned for release later in 2006. For more information, follow the link below.
Click here

Well, after several small updates recently, here's another: Mr. King's upcoming novel Cell is now available for pre-order at Amazon (check other main book venues, as well). Release is still scheduled for January 24, 2006, but if you'd like to pre-order (or just look at the cover), follow the links below.
Click here
Or here
(You will be re-directed to an Amazon site.)

This isn't by Stephen King but if you want the details on a huge selection of his lost works, this is a good source: Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished. This isn't a new publication but the chance to peek at it free of charge is. Cemetery Dance is offering a short excerpt to help market the book, so if you want a quick look inside, follow the link below. P.S. Word has it that a big Stephen King-related announcement is on the horizon so keep your ears open.
Click here

A quick Cell update for you today: pre-order editions are now available through Amazon at a 34% discount off the cover price. Other major bookdealers may have similar deals. And a blurb on the dust jacket synopsis runs as follows:

"Civilization doesn't end with a bang or a whimper. It ends with a call on your cell phone.

What happens on the afternoon of October 1 came to be known as the Pulse, a signal sent though every operating cell phone that turns its user into something...well, something less than human. Savage, murderous, unthinking - and on a wanton rampage. Terrorist act? Cyber prank gone haywire?

It really doesn't matter, not to the people who avoided the technological attack. What matters to them is surviving the aftermath. Before long a band of them-"normies" is how they think of themselves-have gathered on the grounds of Gaiten Academy, where the headmaster and one remaining student have something awesome and terrifying to show them on the school's moonlit soccer field. Clearly there can be no escape. The only option is to take them on."

Want to write like Stephen King? How about Dennis Lehane (author of Mystic River) or Mark Bowden (author of Black Hawk Down)? These authors are hosting an "intensive, eight-day experience of intimate workshop classes, panel discussions, readings, book signings, receptions, and dinners...designed for those who are passionate about writing." The conference is scheduled for January 21-29 at St. Petersburg, Florida. But be sure to bring your wallet, fees start at $650 (and that doesn't include food or accomodations). For more information, follow the link below.
Click here

Hot off the press release: Do you remember the rumors about a month ago involving Stephen King and Marvel Comics? Well it wasn't just pillow talk, here's the real story. Marvel Comics is producing a series based on the adventures of "King's epic hero, Roland Deschain, whose quest to save the Dark Tower is captured in seven best-selling novels published over the course of twenty-five years." These new stories purportedly "delve into the life and times of the young Roland" and help define the mythos of the Dark Tower. And fear not, SK purists, this process involves oversight from the main man himself and should remain true to his original vision laid out in the novels. "I'm excited to be a part of Roland's new incarnation," said Stephen King. Marketing of the series has already begun and the first comic should be released in April 2006. Mark your calendars. For more information, follow the link below.
Click here

A little heads-up for all the fans anxiously awaiting Mr. King's two up-coming releases, Cell and Lisey's Story: their release dates have been bumped an entire month so expect Cell just after New Year's and Lisey's Story this time next year. There have also been whispers of another King book in the works but no information has been formally released.

Breaking news, ladies and gents, The Colorado Kid is now available. It was released today and should be found on the shelves of any major bookseller. And if you're interested in the dual lives of King and Bachman, another book may interest you, Stephen King Is Richard Bachman, by Michael Collings. It's for sale through the Overlook Connection bookstore and may be available elsewhere. Happy reading!

A few quick notes to let you know Cell is scheduled for release in February 2006 and Lisey's Story is due out the following November (2006). Mark your calendars, King fans. Also, on September 25, Sunday Morning on CBS will be airing an interview with Mr. King about his novel The Colorado Kid, hitting the bookshelves next month. On a different note, rumors from Marvel Comics indicate something King-related but no details have been made public. A statement is expected in October. And lastly, it now appears Dolan's Cadillac will not be made into a movie as Mr. King has "taken back" the rights. No further information on the project was available.

The Ebay character-auction has ended on Mr. King's Cell offer. If you didn't follow the bidding war, hold onto your hat, the final bid exceeded $25,000. At present, the winner remains anonymous.

Just a quick note to remind you the BIDDING starts today for the chance to appear in Mr. King's upcoming novel Cell. To bid, or just take a peek at the event, follow the link below and click on the picture of Mr. King.
Click here

Next up for release, The Colorado Kid will be available on October 4th but a clip from the audiobook is available now...for free. Jeffrey DeMunn brings the story to life - temporarily - in this Simon & Schuster offer. This is not a download but an embedded popup of a Windows Media or Real Audio player. If you'd like to give it a listen, follow the link below and then click on Hear a Clip under the heading "Learn More" on the left of the screen.
Click here

A few updates for you today. A new edition of Faithful has been released with a few extras (an essay Mr. King wrote for the NY Times at the beginning of the 2005 baseball season, a short essay by co-author O'Nan, captions for the photos at the chapter beginnings, quotes from players, etc.). Lisey's Story is scheduled for release in October 2006. And, according to King's website moderator, the first draft of Cell is finished. And don't forget, for the right price you could be a Cell character (read below for more).

Would YOU like to be WRITTEN INTO one of Stephen King's novels? Well here's your chance. King's new work-in-progress Cell will include a character based specifically on YOURSELF...if the price is right. This unusual opportunity will be auctioned off on Ebay where the highest bidder will become part of the storyline. (All proceeds go to charity.) Gender is not an issue but "a buyer who wants to die must in this case be female." Bidding will begin September 8 and continue to September 19. Other authors have joined the cause - Amy Tan, Peter Straub, Nora Roberts, John Grisham, Neil Gaiman, and many more - and will also be auctioning off "appearances" in their up-coming works. For more information, follow the link below.
Info from AuctionCause

Bronson Arroyo, #61 hurler for the Boston Red Sox, released a cover album, Covering the Bases, yesterday. And what's that have to do with Mr. King? Besides being a huge Bosox fan, King has musical inclinations (i.e. the Rock Bottom Remainders) and contributed additional lyrics and spoken word on Arroyo's fourth track "Everlong." The album has received favorable if only mildly enthusiastic reviews and is available through most major music distributors. To check out Covering the Bases on Amazon, follow the first link below. And for those of you in the Boston area who are interested, Arroyo performs at the Avalon Ballroom on Landsdowne Street tonight. Visit #61's official website, linked below as well, for more general info and a music sampler (upper right-hand corner, click on "Launch Music Player").
Click here for Amazon
Click here for Arroyo

Also an update for The Pulse, mentioned in the 7-7-05 post: this excerpt comes from a novel with the working title Cell. Unfortunately there is still no word on its publication schedule.

Word comes of another work-in-progress from Mr. King, a story titled The Pulse. A short excerpt, posted online at, begins innocently enough with smiling people and ice cream but ends with a nasty little twist. To read the excerpt, follow the link below. It is unclear whether this is from an up-coming short story or full-length novel.
Click here
(You will be re-directed to an Amazon site.)

Also of interest today, Lisey's Story, a current work-in-progress, was described by Mr. King as "a love story, with monsters...some of them human." It is expected to be released as a full-length novel next year.

Long Live the Dead, the newest King column in Entertainment Weekly is now available online, discussing the challenges of movie series spanning decades (George Romero's Living Dead works specifically). To read the article, follow the link below.
Click here

A new interview with Mr. King and John Irving (The World According to Garp and Cider House Rules author) is available on the Bennington Banner website. They discuss how they met, fundraising activities - for the Maple Street School, among others - and results, the career and accident of Frank Muller, some of their respective works, and, yes, even avocados. To read the article, Masters of the craft discuss writing, by Sarah M. Grant, follow the link below.
Click here

King's latest edition in his Entertainment Weekly column, titled Extras Bite, is open for viewing and commentary on the EW website. Following a review of several recent DVD packages, King shares his thoughts on the character of movie extras, especially their short-comings. For the full article, follow the link below.
Click here

A limited edition copy of Trangressions has been found for sale on eBay, #127/200, signed by Lawrence Block, John Farris, Jeffrey Deaver, Ed McBain, Sharyn McCrumb, Walter Mosley, Joyce Carol Oates, Anne Perry, Donald Westlake, and Stephen King. Bids have rocketed over $600 with a day and a half of auction still open. If interested, follow the link below.
Click here

King's most recent EW column discussed the possible hits and misses of the summer-movie-maelstrom, including War of the Worlds, Batman Begins, The Dukes of Hazzard, and The Island. To read the column, follow the link below.
Click here

On May 7, 2005, Mr. King gave the commencement address for the University of Maine at Orono's new graduates. The basic notes of his speech are available on the UMaine website, just follow the link below.
Click here

In his newest Entertainment Weekly column, King discusses his favorite music downloads available online. Follow the first link below to read the article. The information will also be incorporated into my Music page in the coming days, which you can visit by following the second link.
Click here for EW column
Click here for Music page

Transgressions, a limited edition anthology containing the Stephen King novella The Things They Left Behind, is now for sale, days ahead of schedule. For more info on the book, see the entry below (4-19-05) as well as the fourth entry under "January 2005 and before."

An update on Transgressions, edited by Ed McBain, which includes the new King novella The Things They Left Behind: it is scheduled go on sale May 1st. Also available May 1st as an audiobook called Terror's Echo, which contains three of the Transgressions novellas: Keller’s Adjustment by Lawrence Block, The Ransome Women by John Farris, and The Things They Left Behind by Stephen King. No word on who is voicing the audiobook.

King reportedly writes his thoughts about HP Lovecraft in H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life by Michel Houellebecq, translated by Dorna Khazeni. However, no one seems to know yet what exactly King is writing or how much - introduction, chapter, etc. Follow the link below to pre-order from Amazon.
Click here

King's project with John Mellancamp has experiencd a small name change and is now called Ghost Brothers of Darkland County. Due to the nature of the project, I have also listed it under the division of Movies and Television.

'Salem's Lot is being republished this fall in a special Doubleday edition featuring approximately 50 pages of deleted material that King cut from his original manuscript. This edition will be hardcover and includes illustrations. Pricing is expected at $35 and production numbers may be limited.

Hot off the press (release) comes word of a new Stephen King novel to be published this October. It's called The Colorado Kid and comes from the Hard Case Crime lineup of Winterfall LLC. Done in the style of the classic pulp fiction novels (think Perry Mason), it will be released in paperback only. For more info and a sample chapter, follow the link below.
Click here

January 2005 or previous
In an unprecedented collaboration, thirteen of the world's leading writers are offering the first chapters of their newest unpublished work for a single book entitled New Beginnings, scheduled for publishing by Bloomsbury on World Book Day, March 3, 2005. The proceeds will be donated for tsunami relief.

Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished - by Rocky Wood with David Rawsthorne and Norma Blackburn - is expected to come out sometime next year. This is a limited edition priced at $75 each so be prepared. The book contains nearly one hundred unpublished and uncollected works of fiction--novels, short stories, screenplays, and poems. It also has discussions, overviews, essays, and lots of details.

Stephen King's short story Lisey and the Madman is included in a book called McSweeney's Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories, edited by Michael Chabon. The story is about 20 pages long and may eventually be a new novel called Lisey's Story although that has not been confirmed.

Ed McBain's limited edition anthology Transgressions will feature a new King novella called The Things They Left Behind -- described by the publisher as follows: "In the wake of the worst disaster on American soil, one man is coming to terms with the aftermath of the Twin Towers--when he begins finding the things they left behind." There will also be an audio release of some of the anthology's stories, including King's, titled Terror's Echo: Novellas from Transgressions. The audio is available for preorder through and may be available elsewhere.

Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the 2004 Season, by Stephen King and Stewart O'Nan, was released in December. Quite obviously, it delves into Red Sox lore and the triumphant 2004 season. Go Sox!

The final and much-awaited book of the Dark Tower series is now out, as well, titled, quite appropriately, Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower.

King also has a "new" column in Entertainment Weekly (he's written for them periodically for a long time, and this column has appeared steadily since last fall). It's called The Pop of King and can be read at the Entertainment Weekly website.

Stephen King's short story Harvey's Dream has been reprinted in the new Best American Mystery Stories, edited by Nelson DeMille. It originally appeared in the New Yorker.

The Devil's Wine, edited by Tom Piccirilli contains over 200 poems from authors such as Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and Peter Straub. Stephen King's six contributions, which haven't seen print in over 30 years, were originally published in small venues during his college years, publications which now resell for thousands of dollars due to their scarcity. This is the only time they have ever been reprinted.

Borderlands 5, edited by Elizabeth E. Monteleone and Thomas F. Monteleone, features an all new original Stephen King novella The Stationary Bike.

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon pop-up book is now widely available. It is set up like a normal children's pop-up book but is based on the original story.

The Journals of Eleanor Druse: My Investigation of the Kingdom Hospital Incident is out, as is the DVD of Kingdom Hospital, a very interesting miniseries that comes with a small, descriptive booklet.

Thank you for coming. Don't forget to visit the other links.

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