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Medically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations

Medically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing provides all classes of medical people, as well as the non-practitioner who has an interest in medicine, with a volume of unaltered quotations.

Carl C. Gaither and Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither
Illustrated by Andrew Slocombe

Medically Speaking is a book of quotations. It provides about 1500 quotations pertaining to medicine. Some quotes are profound, others are wise, some are witty but none are frivolous. Here you will find quotations from the most famous to the unknown. You will find many of the `jewels' that exist but please forgive us if we've missed any personal favourites. The extensive author and subject indexes provide you with the perfect tool for locating quotations for practical use or pleasure, and you will soon enjoy

Readership: Medical professionals such a physicians, nurses, dentists, and general readers interested in Medicine.

Contents: Abdomen. Abortion. Acupuncture. Adhesive. Allergy. Amnesia. Amputation. Anatomists. Anatomy. Anesthetist. Anesthesia. Antibiotic. Apothecary. Appendix. Back. Bill. Birth Control. Blindness. Blood. Blood Pressure. Body. Body-Snatcher. Brain. Cancer. Care. Cartilage. Cavity. Chemistry. Childbirth. Cholera. Circumsision. Cod Liver Oil. Colds. Common Sense. Consultation. Contagious. Contraceptive. Convalescence. Cough. Cure. Curiosity. Death. Dental. Dentist. Dermatologist. Diagnosis. Diagnostician. Diaphragm. Diet. Digestion. Disease. Disinfectant. Doctor. Draft. Druggist. Drugs. Electrocardiogram. Enema. Epidemic. Epidermis. Error. Esophagus. Examination. Experience. Experiment. Fact. Fee. Fever. Flu. Gall Bladders. General Practitioners. Germ Plasm. God. Gout. Gynecology. Headache. Healing. Health. Heart. Hippocratic Oath. Hives. Hospital. Hypochondriac. Hypodermic Needle. Ill. Illness. Injury. Insomniac. Internist. Intestine. Invalid. Journals. Kidney. King's Evil. Life. Liver. Lungs. Malady. Mal de Mer. Man. Measles. Medical. Medical Mnemonics. Medical Terminology. Medicine. Menstruation. Microbes. Nausea. Nerve. Nouns of Multitude. Nurse. Nurse's Prayer. Nutrition. Oinment. Operation. Opinions. Oral Hygiene. Pain. Parasite. Patients. Pharmacist. Pharmacy. Physical. Physic. Physical. Physician. Physiologist. Pill. Pimple. PMS. Pneumonia. Prayer. Prescription. Prognosis. Protein. Quack. Radiologist. Rapport. Recovery. Resuscitate. Remedy. Research. Rest. Rheumatism. Salve. Science. Sick. Sick Bed. Sickness. Skeleton. Skin. Sneese. Sore Throat. Sores. Specialist. Spine. Stethoscope. Stomach. Stools. Surgeon. Surgery. Surgical. Symptom. Teaching. Teeth. Theory. Tongue Depressor. Tooth. Toothache. Tranquilizers. Treatment. Trichinosis. Truth. Tuberculosis. Tumor. Urinalysis. Vaccination. Veins. Virus. X-Rays. Bibliography. Permissions. Subject-By-Author Index. Author-By Subject Index.

May 1999
Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, England
ISBN 0-7503-0635-1 (alk. paper)
Description xv, 481p. : ill. ; 234 x 156mm
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and indexes
Lc no.
Dewey no.
Paperback Price: £19.95/US$24.99

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