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Home Page | Calendar | Bible Study | April 5-8, 1998 Evangelist |
Email: templobautista@hotmail.com 1998 CalendarBible Study Lessons A Local Church |
Where is God (Isaiah 44:24-26; 45:1,4-7) Sept. 14 What Will Satisfy (Isaiah 55:1,3,6-11) Sept. 21 What Matters Most (Hagai 1:2-9; 2:1-5) Sept. 28 How Can We Succeed ( Zechariah 4) |
Remaining Faithful through negotiation (Daniel 1:3-5, 8-16) October 12 Remaining Faithful even at the risk of losing your life (Dan. 3:14,15-25) October 19 Humility of Daniel vs. Pride of the King (Daniel 5:1-7,25-28) October 16 Daniel's Resource for Strength/Insight (Daniel 9:3-6, 18-23) | Celebrate the Achievements (Ezra 6:14-22) Nov. 9 Make the Hard Choices (Ezra 9:1-3; 10:9-14) Nov. 16 Make a Difference (Nehemiah 2:4-8, 15-18) Nov. 23 Cope with Hostility (Nehemiah 4:6-8, 15-23) Nov. 30 Anticipate the Reward (Malachi 3:16-18) |
1. Totalmente Hombre - Totally Human Juan (John) 8:40
(a) Mateo (Matthew) 26:26-28 Refiere a su forma humana; Ref. his humanity
(b) Mateo (Matthew) 4:2 Padecio hambre y sed; He was hungry and thirsty.
(c) Mateo (Matthew) 8:24 Durmio durante una tormenta; He slept during a storm
(d) Lucas (Luke) 2:46 Crecio como una persona; He grew like any other person
2. Totalmente Divino - Totally Divine Juan (Juan) 5:37
(a) Lucas (Luke) 1:35 Concebido por el Espiritu Santo; Conceived by the Holy Spirit
(b) Juan (John) 14:7-11 Reclamo igualdad con Dios; He claimed to be equal with God
1. Genesis 1:26-27 Hagamos (Let us...) ...refleja la Trinidad, Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, Dios Espiritu Santo; Reflects the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
2. Juan (John) 1:1-3 Cristo es desde el principio; Jesus was since the beginning
3. Apocalipsis (Revelation) 13:6 Jesus el Cordero fue inmolado desde el principio
1. Juan (John) 1:14 El Verbo fue hecho carne; The Word was made flesh.
2. II Corintios (Corinthians) 5:19 Dios con Cristo reconciliando el mundo; God through Jesus reconciling the world.
3. Galatas (Galatians) 4:4 En el cumplimiento del tiempo Dios envio a su Hijo nacido de mujer; nacido bajo la ley; At the fulfillment of time, God sent his son to be born of a woman; born under the law
1. Lucas (Luke) 19:10 Vino para expiar; He came to pay the wages of sin
2. Filipenses (Phillipians) 1:5-8 El tomo forma de siervo, despojandose a si mismo, se humillo a si mismo haciendose obediente hasta la muerte en la cruz; He took on the form of a servant, removing himself from the role of King becoming a servant being obedient unto death.
3. II Corintios (Corinthians) 5:21 El que no conocio pecado por nosotros fue hecho pecado.
4. Romanos (Romans) 5:8-10 El demostro su amor por nosotros en su obra expiatoria; He demonstrated his love through the expiation of sin.
5. Hechos (Acts) 2:24 Resucito de los muertos, sueltos los dolores de la muerte; He resurrected defeating the power of death.
1. Marcos (Mark) 16:19-20 Fue recibido al cielo y se sento a la diestra de Dios; He was received unto heaven and sat at the right hand of God the Father.
2. Hechos (Acts) 1:-8-9 Dio a sus discipulos una bendicion y una commision; He gave his disciples a blessing and a commission.
2. Hechos (Acts) 1:11 - "Varones Galileos..."; "You men of Galilee..."
3. I Corintios (Corinthians) 15:51-56 En un momento, un abrir y cerrar the ojos...; In a moment, in the blinking of an eye.
4. I Tesalonisenses (Thessalonians) 4:-13-16 Con trompeta del angel, descendera del cielo; With the sound of the angels' trumpet, he will descend from heaven.
1. Salmos (Psalms) 46:40 Estad quietos y conoced; Be still and know that I am God.
2. Salmos (Psalms) 27:14 Aguarda a Jehova, Esfuerzate; Wait upon the Lord...
3. Isaias (Isaiah) 8:17 Esperare, O, pues a Jehova; I will wait upon the Lord...
4. Isaias (Isaiah) 40:31 Pero los que esperan en Jehova, nuevas fuerzas tendran; But they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
5. II Timoteo (Timothy) 2:15 Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado; Study to show thyself approved unto God.
1. Salmo (Psalms) 119:11 En mi corazon he guardado tus dichos; I have hid thy word in my heart...
2. Salmos (Psalms) 119:89 O, Jehova, permanecera tu palabra en los cielos; O, Lord, your word will remain...
3. Salmo (Psalms) 119:105 Lampara es a mis pies tu palabra; Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet...
4. Mateo (Matthew) 24:35 El cielo y la tierra pasaran; Heaven and earth shall pass away...
5. Hebreos (Hebrews) 13:8-9 Jesucristo es el mismo ayer, hoy, y por los siglos....; Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow...
1. Aquellos que tenian momentos especificos para orar...; Some who had specific times for prayer
(a) Salmos (Psalms) 55:17; 119:47-48 David: Oraba en la tarde, manana y mediodia.
(b) Daniel 6:10 Daniel oraba en su camara 3 veces al dia.
(c) Lucas (Luke) 2:37 Ana ayunando y orando dia y noche; Anna fasting and praying day and night.
(d) I Tesalonicenses (Thessalonians) 3:10 Pablo orando noche y dia; Paul praying day and night.
2. Aquellos que oraban de noche; Some who prayed at night:
(a) Genesis 32:24 Jacobo; Jacob.
(b) I Samuel 15:11 Samuel.
(c) Lucas (Luke) 6:12 Jesus.
1. Genesis 26:16-18 Jacobo; Jacob
2. I Samuel 1:9 Padres de Samuel; Samuel's parents
3. II Cronicas (Chronicles) 29:20 Ezequias; Hezekiah
4. Job 1:5; Job
5. Marcos (Mark) 1:35 Jesus _____________
2. Romanos (Romans) 8:9 Mora en el creyente; He lives in the believer
3. El Espiritu Santo no reemplaza a Cristo sino que lo hace real en la vida del creyente;The Holy Spirit does not replace Christ, but instead he makes Christ real in the life of the believer.
1. Efesios (Ephesians) 6:10 Debemos orar en el Espiritu; We ought to pray in the Spirit
2. Galatas (Galatians) 5:22-23 Debemos tener el fruto del Espiritu; We ought to experience the fruit of the Spirit
3. Efesios (Ephesians) 5:18 Debemos ser llenos del Espiritu; We should be filled with the Spirit
4. Romanos (Romans) 8:13 Debemos hacer morir las obras de la carne; We should let die the works of the flesh.
2. El liderato del Espiritu Santo es el secreto del celo evangelistico; The guidance of the Holy Spirit makes us zealous for evangelism
(a) Hechos (Acts) 4:31 No categorice el Espiritu Santo fuera de la adoracion; The Holy Spirit is an integral part of a believer's worship; don't categorize Him out of that context.
(b) La funcion de la Iglesia es la de buscar el liderato del Espiritu Santo; the function of the church is to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit
(c) El control del Espiritu Santo equilibria el calor humano y la dignidad; The Holy Spirit bring into balance human caring and dignity.
(d) Efesios (Ephesians) 5:18-21 Las actividades del Espiritu Santo se encuentran en adoracion llena del Espiritu Santo; The Holy Spirit's activities are found in worship which is filled with the Holy Spirit
1. I Corintios 3:11 El Fundamento de la Iglesia es Jesus; The Foundation is Jesus.
2. Mateo 16:16 Esta compuesta de personas que han hecho la misma confesion de Pedro; The Church is comprised of people who have made the some confession as Peter.
3. Mateo 16:18 Jesus dijo: "Sobre esta roca edificare mi Iglesia" "Upon this rock, I will build my church."
4. Las puertas del Hades no prevaleceran contra su Iglesia; The gates of Hell will not prevail against it.
5. La verdadera Iglesia es indestructible tal y como el Senor es indestructible; The true Church like the Lord is indestructible.
6. I Pedro 1:8-10 La sangre de Jesus compro y sello la Iglesia; The blood of Jesus bought and sealed the church.
1. Mateo 28:19-20 Dios formo la Iglesia para continuar el movimiento Cristiano y la comisiono para ganar almas, hacer discipulos, marcarlos con el bautismo, y madurarlos con educacion Cristiana; God formed the church to expand christianity by winning the lost, making disciples, baptizing them and maturing them through Christian education.
2. Hechos 1:8 Evangelismo mundial es tarea de la iglesia; Worldwide evangelism is a task of the church.
1. I Corintios (Corinthians) 12:13-14 Porque por un solo Espiritu somos bautizados en un cuerpo; We are baptized by one Spirit into one body.
(a) v. 12 Somos un cuerpo; we are one body.
(b) Los miembros representan variados transfondos, talentos y opiniones; members represent various talents, backgrounds, opinions.
(c) Todos los miembros tienen esto en comun: cada miembro ha sido llamado del pecado y la oscuridad a la maravillosa luz de Dios; All members have in common being called from darkness to the light of God.
2. v. 13 Por el mismo Espiritu somos colocados bajo la misma cabeza; By the same Spirit we are placed under the same head.
3. v. 14 Muchos miembros unidos juntos para hacer un cuerpo trabajar suavemente; Many members joined together working smoothly.
4. v. 15-17 Necesitamos contentamiento en el cuerpo; We need contentment in the body.
5. v. 18 Dios coloco los miembros en armonia; God placed the members in harmony.
6. v. 19 Si todos los miembros fueran iguales, no seria un cuerpo complete; If all members were the same, the body would be incomplete.
7. v. 20 Muchas personas y partes diferentes son necesarias para un cuerpo completo; Different persons and parts are necessary for a complete body to exist.
Home Page | Calendar | Bible Study | April 5-8, 1998 Evangelist |