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KPLX Internet Fan Club

KPLX 99.5 FM is a radio station (country) in Dallas/ForthWorth Texas, that I listen to all the time.

It plays old and new Country music, It is the best country radio station I've ever heard, but then again that's just my opinion.

Me and some friends of mine have started a fan club for the radio station. Come and Flex your Plex with us.

If you'd like to join the club, just follow the instructions below.

1) If you already have "RealAudio Player" skip to #3 , if not download RealAudio player here .

2) Once you have downloaded RealAudio Player, you must install onto your hard drive, in order to continue.

3) Go to the KPLX homepage , and press on "listen to KPLX live" (the little radio) on the left side of the screen.

4) Once the next page has loaded, press on the "" button. Your RealAudio Player should come up, and also a extra window. You will hear a "commercial" , before KPLX loads up. Once you can hear KPLX, you may close down that extra window that opened up.

5) Once you have successfully got hooked on to KPLX, we ask you to e-mail (click on the "Smokey Rivers" image or copy the address ""), we need you to tell them your name Or handle, where you are (which country or city you are listening from), and who referred you to this fan club ( will either be me"Bird", Look-C, or texan).

6) Once step 5 as been completed e-mail the person that referred (or you can submit the form below) you to KPLX fan club, and we will promptly sent you the fan club logo, for you to display onto your homepage.

texan - President
Bird - Vice President
Look-C - Secretary

Submit the form once you have successfully hooked to KPLX and have e-mail Smokey.

Your Name OR Handle

Your E-mail Address

What State/Province/Country you are listening from

Who referred you to the KPLX Fan Club

Thank you for joining our club, your KPLX Internet Fan Club logo will be sent to you shortly.

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