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Walking down a street in New York City last year,, I stopped short. "John John" was coming towards me. He was undoubtedly the most handsome man I had ever seen. I was speechless because he was more handsome than his photos. He stopped, looked smilingly at me and eyes spoke a greeting. He was relaxed, tall, smartly dressed and charming. He waited for me to speak and I looked into his warm eyes. Remaining speechless, I now regret not saying, "I respect you", but my silence did as we went on our seperate ways. No one looks like that! No one!! No one will again. Connie Brady, Editor

Plane Crash - American Icon Dead
Our "John John" John F. Kennedy,Jr.
Lost At Sea But Never Forgotten!

Carolyn and John F. Kennedy Jr. and Lauren Bessette

Today is a Sad, Sorrowful Day...

The Search for John F. Kennedy Jr's plane is nearing its end. Though millions of Americans and people from around the world have prayed for a miracle; that John F. Kennedy and his wife, Carolyn and her sister, would be found alive, hope is giving out. Resignation that all three are dead and buried at the bottom of the ocean is setting in as rescue workers still search for the plane. Wreckage of the plane and luggage and other personal items have been found in the water. Please remember them in your prayers today.

John F. Kennedy Jr.
1960 - 1999
Just a sweet boy,
he saluted his father...
a president we loved, now the boy left fatherless.
Such a sweet child who excelled in school
under his widow mother's tutoring.
Such a handsome man, his mother leaned on...
dying of cancer, he stood vigil by her.
Such a young husband, whose wife was a jewel
but never to bear or hold sweet children dear.
Just a sweet boy,
born into a family he now is last...again!
Just a sweet boy, whom...
his sister will dearly miss and grieve for,
but not alone,
as we grieve too.
Such a kind man he became
with a future promising another Kennedy President...
now we will never know but miss him dear.
Adiou' John John
July 19,1999 - The Search Is Over, The Search Ends.
Written by Poet Connie Brady, Houston, Texas '99.

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