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On the Subject of Web Site Counters...

The two professional Visitor Counters were taken off the front page of The Texas Gazette on March 16, 1999; the day Abby Dewees, Miss Teen Woodlands '99 died in an auto crash. The counter recorded 48,400 on that day.

The counters had been on the page since May '98. They were removed to help speed up the loading time of the front page. The original Angelfire Visitor Counter has never been touched and has been counting since December'97.

As a respected Journalist/Reporter/Press Agent in the Houston/Galveston area (since 1964), I would never alter a web site counter. That would challenge my credibility. Life is too short to do that. After 48,000 Readers, it seemed unnecessary to keep count any longer.

Thank you for your readership and contributions, articles, poems, letter to the Editors and Editorials you have sent. Please keep sending your urls for us to list and link to. Thank you,Friends and it's been nice meeting you on the World Wide Web.

For those new readers, the counters have been added back to the page. By their removal, the count was altered. However, since some are a "Doubting Thomas", the counters were restored. (editor)

Laughter Is The Best Medicine:
Jacki Judd, ABC News, Wins Major Award For Breaking Clinton/Lewinski Story
President Clinton Congratulates Judd At The Podium!... Go Figure...

*Thank You Readers for Making THE TEXAS GAZETTE No.10 in Media Sites Listed in l000 Sites on World Wide Web and Averaging 2093 Hits a Day While Named Angelfire's May'98 Web Site Of The Month.
Have A Great Day!
Don't Drink and Drive!
Divine Love Will Meet All Your Needs!
There Is No Truth In Fear, and No Fear In Truth!
You shall Know The Truth and The Truth Shall Set You Free!

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