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Terrific Guest "M.C." Leigh Gettman!
Tori White Wins Miss Harris County
Lisa Dalzell Wins Miss River Oaks

* * * * * *
Tori White * * * Lisa Dalzell * * * Brooke Webster
Swim Suit Winner Tori White
Talent Winners / Tie/ Alex "K" and Tori White
Interview Winners/ Tie/ Lisa Dalzell and Tori White
4th Runner Up Melissa Ragsdale
3rd Runner Up Wendy Turner
2nd Runner Up Alex "K."
1st Runner Up Cindy Elizondo

Brooke Webster Wins Miss Teen Harris County
Sabrina Markle Wins Miss Teen River Oaks

Teen Swimsuit Winner Lynn Sullivant
Teen Talent Winner Brooke Webster
lst Runner Up - Lynn sullivant
Teen Interview Winner Brooke Webster

The lovely and talented Leigh Gettman, Miss Northern Virginia'99 and first runner up at Miss Virginia, did an excellent M.C. job. She is charming as well as beautiful. Everyone was so happy to see Leigh! She is well-liked, respected and loved in the Houston Community. It was a joy to have Leigh amongst us. Afterwards, she and her mom, Zoe Gettman, who was a Teen Judge, joined us at our big Party at Denny's and we all got to visit and catch up on on the last year. It was a ball. Leigh was one of the BEST Mistress of Ceremonies that Michael Hannah has ever invited to our area.

A highlight of the evening was when judges needed more time and Leigh sang her competition song which won her first runner up at Miss Virginia. It was great and I felt it would have placed neck and neck with Yanci's talent at state. Really sent chills up my spine as I realized she might have won Miss Texas this year! After all the hype on the Message Boards, to see Leigh in person again with her maturity, kindness, sweetness and talent song perfect for her voice range, I have to say...I will always wonder two things now. Would Leigh Gettman have won Miss Texas 1999 and would Carley Jarmon have won Miss America (or placed higher) if she had gone when older! On to the Pageant...

It was a beautiful moment when Nicoline Sechelski, Miss Teen River Oaks'99 gave up her crown and paid tribute to her best friend, Miss Teen Woodlands'99, Abbie Deweese, who was killed in a car crash last spring. Nicoline, still struggling with the Question of Why she lived and Abbie died, did a beautiful job of sharing and promised to come back into competition in 2001.

Ciny Elizondo passed up giving up her crown/title of Miss Harris County as she was competing for Miss River Oaks and placed as first runner up at the end of the night. Cindy did a nice job in talent but the piano selection did not shine (like at state) and smarted at times. It was a dramatic piece and lots of dramatic gesture, but the quality was judged fairly. Cindy most likely will win her next local pageant, she put alot of pressure on herself to win Michael's pageant again and it showed a bit.

Gorgeous and Talented AnaMichelle Lopez performed her famous "Bese Me Mucho" (which won her Miss Teen Texas at her first Miss Teen Texas Experience). AnaMichelle gave up her Miss River Oaks'99 title and sang a great version of disco "I Will Survive". She will return to competition in 200l.

New Girls!~ out... several new girls (Teen and Miss) were Wonderful! Wendy Turner will be at Miss Texas if she continues to compete, she will win soon. There were several girls who were charming in Teen and Miss. I expect them to win if they continue. Some are going to Miss Houston/Miss Woodlands on Nov.20'99 and some to Miss Southeast Texas, Jan.8,2000.

It was a Great Night had by all. Micheal Hannah, Executive Director, did a beautiful job. The stage looked better than ever. Simple but professional and dignified. It was perfect. A lot of work goes into each pagant, and we all compare to past years and everyone agreed this was a very surprising pageant. It was a cliff hanger! The talent was excellent...oh, a real shocker was the BEAUTIFUL Kristin Little. She was gorgeous! She looked so healthy after surgery, her hair cut short, her slim figure showcased by an elegant gown. Her Voice was WOW...Amazing! I expected her to place; it had to be close between she and Melissa Ragsdale for the 4th runner up spot.

Yhe entertainment by Marlies Fitch, Miss Teen Harris County'99 was magnificient and she was lovely on stage. Marlies has matured so beautifully and sings like an angel.
Britney Phillips, Miss Teen Farmers Branch 2000 surprised us all with a really hot and fun Tap Dance! She was great!

The Grand Finale was to be Miss Teen Texas America'99, Leeann Haynie performing. Beautiful and sweet, Leeann, had injured her foot dancing last week. She did an onstage interview conducted by Leigh Gettman. LeeAnn has been busy with Dance, Cheerleading, Dance, Cheerleading...she is now through with Cheerleading Season and will concentrate on her appearances as Miss Teen Texas.

Needless to say, the pageant was full of surprises, as all the girls had improved in talent, gown choices, haircuts/hairstyles, and in general, they had ALL improved overall.

It was a wonderful pageant night and full of surprise, hope and excitement plus anticipation that Lisa and Tori; Michael's "new girls" will hit the top ten mark/ top five mark at Miss Texas this summer.

Tori White's song was excellent! Her voice was the best I have ever heard her. She was shiny and bright, happy and confident. Tori looked beautiful. I loved her hair, her gown, her style, her grace. She was a new, radient out!

Lisa Dalzell's Talent was EXQUISITE! She played flute with sensitivity, strength, intelligence, brilliance.... I have heard her talent selection played by her many, many times, but it was the BEST that I have ever heard her. Liza was lovely, very slim, with a trerrific hair do. She has matured beautifully. It was great to see her so happy, confident and just peaceful. Lisa was amazing and it was a delight!!
written by editor, Connie Brady

Congratulations Wendy Turner, Miss Houston
Marlies Fitch, Miss Woodlands
Lynne Sullivant, Miss Teen Houston
Kristin Parsons, Miss Teen Woodlands Site

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