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... Article by Hillary...
TALKING IT OVER - By Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Senator Hillary Clinton?

First Lady Hillary Clinton is seen on TV everyday with important politicians, as she makes the rounds to decide if she should run for Senator in New York State. After the light-hearted interview by Barbara Walters of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary Clinton most likely, looked in the mirror and said, "Why Not?". Yes, why not run? She has nothing to loose! She has already lost most of what she walked into the White House with, a loyal husband and the public image of a marriage and family life.

For the Scorned Woman (by her husband), she is emerging as a dynamic politician and a force to be dealt with. She has the respect of the country and of the voters. New Yorkers are cosmopolitan and she is respected for handling her husband's affairs with other woman as well as she has.

She certainly is the Diplomat! She would be a great loss to the country, if the voters throw her away. There will be alot of questions.... but she has already answered them all previously. So, Senator Clinton, how many terms before she divorces Bill and runs for President? Who Knows? And Why Not!

... Article by Hillary...
TALKING IT OVER - By Hillary Rodham Clinton
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