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Juanita Broaddrick Charges Rape
President Clinton Denies Rape

By Connie Brady

If this is true, and it appears to be true...
President Clinton should resign, Hillary should divorce him if she is seriously considering running for U.S. Senator, and if they stay together as a couple, they should get out of Politics and stay in business as Lawyers.

In the past, this writer has stood by Clinton (not approved of him, nor EVER VOTED for him), but asked you readers to FORGIVE the President and to admit that people lie about consentual sex between adults. If Bill Clinton did rape Juanita Broaddrick, then it is time for him to Resign from office and for Hillary to separate from this man unless he gets help. It is evident that many sexual indescretions have affected their marriage and Hillary has not had a "bed of roses" in her marriage.

News Feature

Jane Doe #5, Juanita Broaddrick was "outted" by the press/media/tabloids/Puala Jone's Lawyers/Ken Starr/... and even strangers on the internet building web sites about her, discussing her, and calling her a liar. Juanita decided, finally, after 19 yrs, to come forward and tell how Bill Clinton raped her.

Jane Doe #5 (Juanite Broaddrick) interview aired on NBC'S DATELINE on Wednesday night. She appeared believable and claimed to be planning NO paid interviews or books. She simply wanted to get her side of the rape out in public, because so many concoctations of what happened between she and Clinton are already out in the public main. She was not willing to lie before the Grand Jury if called by Ken Starr, therefore, she has changed her former story when she denied the rape.

Nineteen years ago, it was more Horrible to come forward about rape. He asked to meet her in her hotel room at he Camelot Hotel in Little Rock, because he did not want to have to bring all his body guards, etc. She was married and felt awkward about it, agreed he could come to her room.

She alledges Clinton raped her, then put on his sunglasses and left. She did not report it, as she had let him in her hotel room, he was Attorney General of Arkansas and running for Governor, and could close her business which was a Nursing Home. She was also involved in an affair at the time. She was sure the affair would come out if she reported the rape. She has since married the man she was having the affair with at that time.

There are witness who saw her bleeding, bitten lip, her torn clothes and underwear and her state of shock. She did tell people of the rape; close friends and her husband at the time.

It was 19 years ago, in Little Rock, Arkansas and was a different world and a different time.... woman who reported rape were not respected.

I grew up in Little Rock and I know what people think of rape victims; they don't believe them. It is old Southern mentality and it is always the woman's fault.

If Clinton did rape Juanita, and she had reported it, he would have retaliated and her nursing home would have been shut down. Nursing Homes in Arkansas are state funded and a big business. It is not hard to invision she lived in fear of what would happen if she came forward. However, once she was "outted" by the media and called a liar by the public, it was enevitable that she would have to clear her name.


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