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Miss America CEO Robert Beck Fired
Head of Miss America Pageant Fired
Beck Fired; Close To Speaking Out?

"The Donald" Trump TRUMPS MAO!
Texas' Jean Magness Vows To Quit MAO!
New Miss America Crown Gold With Rubies
Pageant's Net Assets Still Climbing
Pageant Chief Says Old Rules May Stay
Atlantic City Hotel Workers Walk Out
Death Of A Pageant!
Pageant To Let Divorcees, Women Who've Had Abortions Compete

"The Donald" Trump Rejects MAO New Rule
Wednesday September 15, 3:38 pm Eastern Time Company Press Release Donald J. Trump, Owner of the Miss Universe and Miss USA Pageants, Will Not Bend the Rules

NEW YORK--(ENTERTAINMENT WIRE)--Sept. 15, 1999--Donald J. Trump, owner of the MISS UNIVERSEŽ and MISS USAŽ Pageants, announced today, ``We will not allow women who have been pregnant or married to compete in either the MISS UNIVERSE or MISS USA Pageants. We have had tremendous success with these rules as our foundation and we are going to keep it that way.'' As the Miss America Pageant organizers make changes in their rules for their upcoming show, Trump's contests will remain traditional.

Since Donald J. Trump and CBS became owners two and a half years ago the MISS UNIVERSE and MISS USA Pageants have become A-list, celebrity events and rank among the most watched programming in the world. ``The MISS UNIVERSE Pageant is the biggest and most spectacular beauty contest of them all and reaches over 110 countries and hundreds of millions of viewers worldwide. MISS USA is simpler because it is obviously specific to the United States, but its popularity is growing worldwide'' expressed Trump.

Breaking News*Tuesday*4:p.m.9/14/99
Miss America CEO Robert Beck
Backtracks - Rescinds New Ruling!!!
New Rules For MS. NOT Going Into Effect!

Pageant Chief Now Says Old Rules May Remain Intact

Magness, who has been involved in the pageant system for 26 years, vowed to quit once the new rule changes go into effect. The Texas director said potential contestants from her state have also heard about the changes and are concerned enough to say they won't get involved with Miss America.

Miss Texas Pageant Exe.Director,
Jean Magness Responds On Ruling

Post YOUR Opinion; Divorced Woman Compete?
New Miss America Crown; Gold With Rubies
$$$Pageants's Net Assets Still Climbing$$$


Miss America Organization
Lowers Moral Standards
Texas Local Franchises Debate Quitting

Pageant to let divorcees, women who've had abortions compete

The 79th Annual Miss America Pageant On Saturday, Sept.18, 1999

Tuesday:Miss Wisconsin Wins Talent *** Miss Kentucky Wins Swimsuit
Wednesday: Miss Louisiana Wins Talent *** Miss Rhode Island Wins Swimsuit
Thursday: Miss Virginia Wins Talent *** Miss Nevada Wins Swimsuit

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