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Miss Texas is 4TH Runner Up
Yanci Yarbrough Makes Top 5!

Meet Miss Texas 1999
Yanci Yarbrough

The 79th Annual Miss America Pageant Saturday, Sept.18, 1999

Yanci is a graduate of Texas Tech University. At Texas Tech, Yanci was on the Dean's List, named to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, was active in the Student Association and Pi Beta Phi sorority, was a Student Senator for 3 years, and was named Homecoming Queen. Prior to being named Miss Texas, Yanci was a Graduate Teaching Assistant for Business and Professional speaking at Texas Tech. Yanci is currently a graduate student working on her Master's Degree in Communication Studies at the University of North Texas. She plans a career as a college professor and motivational speaker.
Our Prayer For You Tonight, Yanci

God's Perfect Love surround you,
Perfect Peace be in your heart,
Divine Love shine from your eyes,
Reflecting God's Love and Goodness
That All will SEE Love in YOU as
You reflect only Love.
That only His Perfect Will be made
known in your life. That Angels
surround you and Peace,
Joy and Love fill you!

We won't say "Good Luck" as there is no such thing. If we believe in good luck we have to believe in bad luck, and we do not! We believe that all things work for Good. That Truth will reveal itself. That God's Will will reveal itself! That only the Best will BE! Whatever the outcome, God is still in control of the Universe and only Good will come of your efforts.

God Bless you and your family, all the Miss Texas Delegation as well as all the other contestants and their delegations.

Alot has been said.
Alot has been written.
When it is over and done,
may we all rise up
United behind our Winner
and go forth to Preserve the
special uniqueness of the
Miss America Pageant System;
a true finishing school for
young women. It offers more than
Scholarships, Friendships, Job Interview skills.
It offers a chance to go into your Communities;
as ROLE MODELS and to CHANGE Lives!

The Miss America Program offers an opportunity to young woman which few organizations offer. It lends a celebrity status to a young woman and she automatically has a VOICE and can choose a platform and speak out and make a difference in this difficult world. She becomes a leader and a role model and a dedicated America Citizen who is practicing her right of Freedom of Speech.

It was not that long ago that woman were seen and not heard and did not have the Vote. This is an important program for woman, let each of us help to keep it on the right track and alive and well.

Whether Miss Texas, Yanci Yarbrough wins or not, God bless all the Contestants tonight and their families and supporters. You are all part of an incredible family; The Miss America Family!

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