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Princess Diana - One Year Later - Looking Back
Infomercials:The Red Devil Is Tempting!
Gutsy Guthy-Renker Sells Web Sites
Disney Chain Letter Hoax

*1998*Texas Internet Publishing Corp. and Brady Media Group, Houston,Texas USA*
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Averaging 2093 Hits a Day While Named Angelfire's May'98 Web Site Of The Month

New Columnist / Great Read!

Introducing New Weekly Columnist
Idaho Contributing Editor Kerri Thoreson

Post Scripts from Idaho's The Coeur d' Alene Press

Princess Diana - One Year Later - Looking Back

By Kerri Thoreson
It's been exactly one year since the death of Princess Diana, and I'm still a little baffled by the extraordinary reaction - my own included. I recall watching the initial reports of the accident and feeling such sadness that her new beau had died. At the time reports didn't indicate that she was seriously injured. When the news anchor broke in to announce that Diana, Princess of Wales, had died in a Paris hospital, I cried. I spent the next few days transfixed to the television, much to the dismay of my husband and family.

What possible connection could I, a then 45-year-old working wife and mother, living in Post Falls have with the worldly and royal-born Diana? Even today, it defies explanation. But I felt her loss then and I feel it now.

I stayed up all night to watch the funeral, tears steaming as I sat in my living room in the dark. As the flower-strewn hearse left London to deliver her to her final resting place, I was struck by the irony that she was so very much alone in that journey as she was for much of her life. I appreciated the comparative normalcy of my life even while admiring hers.

One of those life experiences that just cannot be explained ...

This Column Continues on her Idaho Columnist Page... Other subjects? "Easy Riders" need to prove their abilities - now!
The Coeur d' Alene Press


Princess Diana Remembered

By Editor Connie Brady
It hurts, even today, to look at the car which Princess Diana crashed in. If she had died of cancer, and died within a year of announcing Cancer to the public, we who cared for her would still have grieved and cared, but the car crash was such a trajedy. Being chased through a tunnel was so horrible.

She was the only Royalty I really knew of who actually got out in the trenches and worked for Causes and raised millions on a regular basis. Houston is a Big Fund Raising town. When you make it "Big" here, you are expected to donate BIG! If you are not rich, like me, you are expected to donate your time and creativity and energy.

Princess Di as a mother was a lovely person too. I loved watching her little sons grow up, and she grow along with them. She was such a kid when she got married. As a sweet, young girl she became a tender young mother. She identified with the 90's and with the masses of us who have raised children as single parents. She, herself, came from a divorced family. She was a modern Princess, but her life looked like it would be a Fairy Tale and then it was as tragic (including a divorce) as some of our own lives.

The Princess of Wales seemed more like us than we cared to admit as she fought weight problems, man problems, motherhood problems, in-law problems, religious problems, and "finding herself". It would have been interesting to have seen her continued progression and how her life would have turned out, if she had not died a year ago today. Adiou', sweet Princess of our hearts.

Special Princess Diana Memorial Page and Web Ring

Here's an obsession we have all experienced...
It's Late, Nothing is on TV and a new Infomercial comes on.
You watch it our of curiosity... Yup, SOLD!

Wisconsin Teen Contributing Reporter...

"A Tribute to the Red Devil"

By: Adam J. Hakari
Deciding to stay up late one night, I was flipping through the channels. Then I came upon one certain commercial. Or should I say, infomercial. Two people were advertising a product where you could "cook anything, anywhere": The Red Devil portable outdoor kitchen. A grill that had a specially designed plate where there were three heating zones, medium in the center, hot around the middle ring, and warm around the outer ring. Looked pretty cool.

Little did I know, this would grow to be an obsession with me. Later that week, I viewed the infomercial once more. Then I went through channel after channel looking for it. Then I did the next best thing...I taped it. Now I continually view the commercial, but I still have yet to learn more. Anyway, on the commercial they cooked countless things. Some foods included Philly cheesesteaks, chicken fajitas, three-bean Texas chilli, lobster (!), 15 burgers and 4 hot dogs, salmon, beans and franks, and an entire breakfast. I couldn't believe it. They were actually cooking this stuff right in front of me!

Their names turned out to be Mick and Mimi. I'm supposing they're married. But from another special, it turns out Mick is a homewares specialist, and his last name is Hastie. Nowadays, I still marvel over the glorious product that also comes with an Easy-Over Superdome, a special grilling fork, and a easy to carry backpack. And the entire thing is powered by a small propane tank. Small, too! I continually hope for the day when me or my parents purchase this cool product. Until then, I hope that Mick and/or Mimi is reading this article. If so e-mail me at my address: I would love to talk with you. The Red Devil is one of the world's greatest sounding products. Well, there it is. An ode to an excellent product.

Adam J. Hakari writes that he "is 13 years old and lives in the great state of Wisconsin, home of cheese, cranberries, and beer."

Editor's Comment: Well now, we all know what it is like to be up late, watching tv, and ordering from infomercials. I have watched The Red Devil infomercial three times myself. It's an amazing product. I really enjoyed the honesty of this comment by a reader. Thanks for sending it in, Adam.

WebSites Come to TV Infomercial-Seminar-Land
Gutsy Guthy-Renker Sells Web Sites
New Approach or Slanted Information?

By Connie Brady, Editor
Ok Folks, I did the homework for you. I attended the New Guthy-Renker Seminar. It was about buying your web site from them. No thanks. If you just fell off the turnip truck, then get in the short line and pay 4 times too much for your site. They did "try" to tell the Truth, but it was slanted to promote their product. It was Clintonesque Speak!

What is amazing, is that they can charge you thousands of dollars to make your page and supposedly "get it noticed on the web". Which means, your page sits on THEIR site and no one will ever see it unless they go to THEIR site. Now, listen kids, why would anyone go to their site, unless they wanted to buy something? So, a person would already have to want to buy your product and already know about you and would have to know about their Mall, in order to go there to shop. With the 1500 stores on their web mall, how will you get noticed!

It was an interesting 2 hour sales pitch by the best in the country. If you know anything about the internet, web sites, html, and actual cost of these things, including Server's cost, you will have to refrain from dying laughing... and then you will be amazed at the few people who do sign up for the HOOK, WHICH IS ... you have to put up a $100.00 to go to a two day "FREE" course for the next two days.

At the free course you are offered a chance to spend up from $3,000 to $10,000 to get a few web pages. Oh, but they design them for you! Of course, if you already have a site and design, they ONLY charge you $99.99 to use what you already have! Stop Laughing!!!! They "supposedly" advertise them for you too... but you are one of the many thousands on their site. Thay are laughing all the way to the Bank! What are they really advertising? Why kids, THEIR NAME; Guthy-Renker! And, we all know how much they already enjoy doing that! By the way, there is no counter on their page, so who is to say what their traffic is?

If you have'nt seen this Infomercial on your TV, it is coming soon to your nearest Hotel Seminar Room. Take my advice, skip it! It's a joke. Go to the Public Library and read everything you can about making a web page, and I guarantee that in 2 hrs. you will walk out knowing more than this Seminar Teaches! This is a definitely OVERPRICEd RIP-OFF!

I did research their web site, before going to the Seminar and I found it very boring. In fact, I left it 5 times, FIVE TIMES! I had to remind myself to go back in and keep checking it out. I just kept wandering out of it. If you want to go on a mall, there are cheaper ways to do it. If you want a good web page, you can learn it or pay a college kid, or hire a webmaster. There is alot to learn and the Web changes every day, but hold onto your checkbook and don't let people use scare tatics on you. You won't be left behind, on the Internet, if you just apply a little time each day to understanding it. I get email Web Site and HTML Newsletters and they are excellent and FREE from all over the world. The advice in them is by Webmasters who have learned from experience and they are truly insightful and helpful. Keep your $3000 bucks and find a better investment.

Disney Letter a Hoax!
Here's a Chain Letter we would love to see STOP circulating! We get about 5 a day of this one and were planning to write an article about this and expose it as a fraud. Surfing around the Web, we found someone else already Exposed it for the FAKE it is. Here's the Link. Ok, you People who have mailed this chain letter, Read This and Quit Emailing this Darn Letter! There is no Free Trip to Disney, nor $5000 from Bill Gates, nor did Walt Disney ever have a son! It's a Hoax!


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