Jeff My friends call me Jeff, or Roche.
Where I am:
Katy, Texas (A little town near Houston)
Currently... no car... (Long story)
School: The University Of Houston, GO COOGS!
Well, there is 1 or 2 reasons you are here. A) Accident. 2)... well I'm sure there is a good second reason I just dont know it yet. Well this is my websight. Be sure to keep checking in cuz I love to update this stuff! E-Mail me or sign the guestbook if ya want to get me a message about the site. Who is this Jeff guy you ask? Just click the pic and find out. One thing about it though, I had trouble taking a pic of myself with a digital camera so I went ahead and did the next best thing... took a pic of a pic. So thats the story... check it out!
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Kickin' Links
Mapquest -- Step-by-Step instruction to Anywhere in America!
Switchboard -- Every phonebook in America!
The Official Darwin Awards Site -- you have to see it!
A website I made for my fiends.. check these studs out!