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The music playing is: Angels Among Alabama

A Mother's Words
Why? We plead in our despair.
Why? Is our child beyond repair?

The life we bore, nurtured and loved;
Has been called away to up above.

We wonder now if we raised him right;
This beautiful day, just turned to night.

Once was the smile, the life ahead;
Oh Lord, those words, your child is dead.

Blank is our mind as plans are made;
Would he like the music that we played?

The suit, we know, is just not right;
Nor is the tie, Oh what a sight.

What about his hair, it doesn't look normal;
They have made him look way to formal.

Our son was carefree, happy, alive;
I wish so hard he had just survived.

You see, a man with no remorse;
Killed our son, we viewed his corpse.

Drove right into a great big bus;
And took our beloved son from us.

This man lives on with beer in hand;
A drunken driver to walk this land.

A little bitter we may be;
Understanding is hard you see.

Not to ask why is harder to do;
But you know that, if this happened to you.

Why? We plead in our despair.
Why? Is our child beyond repair?

Written by Pam Richardson

This award means the world to me.
Thank you Scott and Shelbie !!
Believe it or not, but this award helps with the healing too.
Please click my award and visit Garnerville.

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

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