Little Becky, The Magical Eskimo


"Lord Be", Sculy thought as she sat down at her desk and fiddled with her papers as the wind danced with red locks that longed and begged to be released from the everyday humdum of the office. Dana Scully could always handle being bored to death but today was different. Lord be, it was her BIRTHDAY!!! Scully was 29 years old, and she felt like shit. No, Dana Katherine Scully, don't you go cursing. Daddy had always taut Dana to be a good Catholic and the guilt sometimes got to Scully. That was great, now she had one more thing to make the day suck. First of all the office was boring as alaways but today was her birthday, and noone cared, Mulder was as obvious to the fact as he had always been, and to top it all off she was beeting herself up for swearing mentally due to her strict Catholic upbringing. So now Dana thought back to her father and how he was dead. Scully was really loosing it now. "OH IF ONLY I COULD ESCAPE THIS PLACE!!" Scully said inside her head. At least Scully thought it was in hher head.

What Scully didn't realize was that she had opened her mouth and screamed so loud that she had broken Mulder's mirror. Mulder had a large too sided round mirror on his desk that he liked to look at himself in. Who could blame him? Scully giggled. BUt then she became even more distraut because she had BROKEN the mirror! "Oh darn it Dana!" Scully said out loud and she knew then that it was really time for Ms. Dana Katherine Scully to take a vacation. The mirror that Scully broke had too sides to it, one that was regular glass (mirror) and when you spun the mirror updise down you saw the other side and this one magnified Mulder's face 10 times. Scully knew that he loved it. He looked in it alot and he was very careful with it hhe cleaned and polished it everyday, as a matter of fact.

So Scully knew that the mirror was very sepcial to Mulder and that only made her feel worse for busting it to bits with her shrieking about her own stupid problems. Scully layed her head down on the desk not caring that there was glass there, and Scully cried.

_ _ _ _

Fox Mulder waw beeming. "Little does she know." Mulder thought. "That I have remembered her birthday. Oh that little red haired partner of mine is gonna be suprised today yes indeed." Mulder joked in his usual dry way. See, Scully didn't know that Mulder really loved her very deeply, and not just like a coworker. Mulder loved her so bad he wanted her for his wife. That scared Mulder because M ulder was afraid that he would loose his wife (Dana) just like Mulder lost his sister when he was a little boy. That is why Fox Mulder had such problems. But one of Mulder's problems was memory. Mulder had a really bad problem remembering ANYTHING at ALL period, which sadly, Mulder thought, included Scully's birthday. Mulder really hated it because Mulder hated hurting Scully's feelings. So this year Mulder totally went balistic and obsessed all over the house taping up big posters of Scully's face with the date of her birthday written across it in gold neon glow in the dark markers he had bought from the crafts store. Mulder laughed at himself because everyone in the store had laughed at him when he had gotten those markers. But Mulder was pretty happy to be givijng Scully her gift. He thought she would liek it or at least that's what he hoped in his heart.

Mulder knew Scully was stressed out and he wanted it to end.

_ _ _ _

So When Mulder Walked into his office and saw Dana curled up in a ball on his desk sobbing ontop some broken glass, he was really scarred. Mulder just ran forward and pucked Dana up in his strong firm grasp and held her tight. He infact held her to tight but Scully didn't want to say anything. "Scully what's wrong? There's glass here. Are you hurt, sweetheart?" Mulder was obvious to the fact that he had just called Scully Sweetheart. Scully wasn't though and she looked at him in shock. "Mulder, do you know what you just said?" She said between sobs. "No, what?" Mulder asked, confused. " called me.." but then Scully just decided to shut her big fat mouth because she didn't want to put Mulder on the spot about something that probably meant nothing. After all, who could love Dana? Little did she know, that's exactly what Mulder was thinking. Only he was thinking "who could love Fox? That' why he changed his name.

"Scully why are you crying hunny?" Mulder asked. "Because well...I broke you're mirror Mulder. I'm so sorry. I understand if you hate me for htis, I know it was your favorite mirror." Scully whispered as her red locks fell down around her beatiflu porciline face. She didn't want to mention the birthday thing or the thing about wanting to escape all the office humdrum. Mulder tilted Scully's head up and said "You're my favorite partner and your more inportant to me than any of my mirrors." Mulder didn't want to say that he loved her just yet. He was a pretty insecure man.

"Oh, Mulder." Scully said just giving in to his powerful but troubled imbrace. Scully felt like kissing this man on his thick pouty ripe glossy lips just like she usually did but she restrained herself from doing so. Scully had to be proper. "Scully do you remember why that's my favorite mirror?" Mulder asked. Scully looked up and blinked alot. "What?" She said. "It's because YOU GAVE IT TO ME SILLY!!" Scully tried and tried to remember when she had given Mulder the mirror. "Mulder I just can't remember." She said. "You brought it at a yard sale for too dollers remember?" Mulder said and he was starting to feel embarassed that she didn't remember. Scully could never love me, Mulder thougyht. "Oh, yes! Oh Mulder I didn't know it meant so much to you. I just thought you might like it as part of your collection." Scully said, a smile creeping across her lips. "It did Scully so much taht I brought it to work and well, you know the rest." Mulder smiled, sheepishly. He looked so much like a puppy dog then that it sent Scully into a swoon. "Something wrong Scully." Mulder asked concerned. "No, nothing." Scully smiled.

_ _ _ _ _

"Well, I'm so sorry I broken your mirror Mulder. OH LORD MULDER!!! Do you know what this means?? Oh, NO I'm going to have seven years of bad luck! That is NOT what I need." Scully was freaking out. "No, Scully. YOu wont because I won't let you. And as a matter of fact yoru GOOD luck is going to start right NOW." I bought you a birthday present. Mulder beamed devilishly. "Did you Mulder? Oh, Mulder I thought youd forgotten again." Scully said and she started crying again. Mulder thought about how much Scully had been crying lately and it made him feel weird. I mean she never used to cry this much, it was usually him. Mulder decided it must be what he had thought: Scully was bored with her life. You see for all Mulder's dark problems he really was so perceptive and caring. He was also extremely intelegent. Mulder had scored the highest on all his college tests, as a matter of fact. He was very desirable to wemon especally when he wore those glasses which made him look even MORE sexy (oow la la) but Fox Mulder was not someone who got close to people. The closest to anyone Mulder had ever been was to Scully but Mulder couldn't tell her how close they were. Mulder's parents really didn't love him and in fact one of his dark secrets was the secret of abuse. Mulder's father was much worse than anyone had thought, and he would take little Fox and use him in Satanic Rituals which left Mulder with literal scars on his flesh. Mulder didn't like to be seen naked for that reason which was just another reason why he didn't want Scully to know him in a personal way.

"Mulder what gift did you get me? You know you have really perked up my day." Scully said. She was really touched. I mean he had never remembered before. And Scully had been going through some crap that day that made her feel pretty bad. So when Fox Mulder gave Dana Scully a birthday present, it made the woman positively glow. Mulder was glowing to, seeing her so happy like this. Then Skinner walked in and barked at them that they had work to do. "YOu too really don't have time to sit down here making googly eyes at eachother, Agent Mulder and Scully. YOu want something to do? I have plenty of things for you to do. Like WORK!" Skinner hissed. "I don't think so, Sir." Mulder said with a sly dry wit. "What??" Skinner yelled, confused. "YOu see sir, me and Agent Scully are going to The North Pole." Mulder smirked and he looked back to the shining wide eyes of Dana Katherine Scully, who's worries and stresses just melted away like ice on a glacier in the hot summer. "Just what do you think your saying to me, Agent Mulder? Do you really think I will let you out of your assignemnts? YOu are my Agents and you will do as I say. If I say jump, you jump. If I say Dance, you dance. If I say walk, you walk. If I tell you to work, you work. I am tired of your dissobedience, Agent Mulder, and I will not tolerate it. You will not go to The North Poll, you will stay here and work." Skinner was really determined not to let anyone have any fun. He was just an old grouch.

Skully's heart sunk. "Let's face it, girl, you are going to be trapped in this same stupid office forever. You are never going to get any excitement. You are never going to have your flaming hair tossled in the wind. YOu will be pent up forever and no one will ever love you. Damn it! Don't swear, damn it!" Scully's teeth were now gritted together and Skinner took notice. "YOu can make all the faces you want, Agent Scully, but you are still not going to The North Poll." Skinner said, firmly. "Oh yes we are." Mulder smiled in this really little boyish way that he did. Oh yheah? Skinner challenged. "Yheah. YOu see, we have lots of vacation time stored up. that's what your forgettting, Sir. So we get to go rather you like it or not. Mulder was quite pleased with himself for being more clever than the old A.D. "Oh NO! You are right after all, Agent Mulder. You Do have alot of vacation time coming. I guess there's there's no getting my way out of this one, so I'm just going to go back up to my office." Skinner said, and Mulder and Skully giggled at eachother.

_ _ _ _ _ _

And so the next day, Muler and Scully tromped off to go on there dream vacation. Scully felt like it was a dream come true that she WAS getting a chance to escape the humdrum, and with Mulder too. Could Mulder...? No. Mulder couldn't love her. But still it was nice to have his company. Although Mulder had been hitten hard by a luggage cart and was pretty much out cold for the airplane trip. When he did wake up, he threw up on the floor, and the flight attendant gave him medicain. Scully was feeling really tender towards her sleeping, bruised partner, and she wished she could tell him how she felt. ANyway, when they finally arrived at The North Poll, Mulder was awake and fiesty, and Scully and him went off to stay at a motel called The Snow Palace. The Snow Palace was built completely of ice and snow, and it was so beatiful. Unbeleivably, it was warm inside. Scully remembered that she had seen something about this place or a place like this on tv one time, and she couldn't believe she was actually there.

The hole ceiling shined like an icy jewel and the big, wonderous shandeleer was completly made of icicles. "It's just a good thing that this place is cold enough to keep those icicles from melting!" Mulder joked. Scully laughed at how great his sense of humor was, just another thing she loved about him. And in the middle of the rooms there were all these ice sculptures. Scully and Mulder looked and saw one of a naked couple kissing and they both blushed. After they had looked at all the exquisit stuff, a host came up to greet them. "Hello, welcome to the palace." the man said. "Dinner shall be served in 1 hour. Would you too like to get dressed now?" the man asked. "Oh NO! I forgot to bring a dress!" Scully exclaimed. "Have no fear, mad'am, for you too are our guests, and we are providing you with the necessary clothing. Our feast will be in 1 hour so please go upstairs! Go go!" the man said and he was so friendly and helpful it made Scully feel like a little girl again. Scully ran up to her sweet and found a great big, flowing white dress spread out on her sparkling bed in the big white beutiful room that had lots of flowers to dazzle a young girls soul. Scully grabbed the dress and spun around in a circle with it. It was so beatiful. It was made of both the softest silk, the finest dimonds, and the most delicately crafted ice. Dana tried the dress on and, as if by magic, it fit like a glove. Scully looked amazing and she knew it. The tight long arms and the big flowing gown sparkling made her so happy. She hoped Mulder would like it. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was the little host from before, who's name was Othello. Scully ran out of the room.

"Mad'am, dinner is served!" Othello said, happily, and Scully could tell he was French because of his little accent and his little Mustash also. "Ok, is Mulder ready?" Scully asked. "Yes he is. ANd with that, Scully turned to see Fox Mulder looking more dashing and handsome then ever before and THAT IS SAYING A ***LOT***!!!!!!!!!!! Fox was wearing an all white tuxedo that sparkled in some spots. His hair was flowing backwards and his teeth were white ad the tux. He was soooo good looking. Scully flew to his side and grabbed his arm, not even realizing how desperate she seemed. Fox was so stunned by how gorgeous Scully was that he was speechless. The dinner table was magnificiant and there was alll this icy food to eat. Snow Crab, Cold Slaw, Ice Cream, Frozen Bananas In Chocolate Sauce, Water Ice, Snow Cones, Frozen Fruit, Frozen Yogert, Ice Cream Tacos, Cold Soup, the list went on and on. And it was all made with fresh snow from outside not that snow that is city snow, Mulder thought.

After the dinner, Mulder and Scully danced in the ballroom. They looked into eachother's eyes but tried to avoid contact. Later they went to bed in seperate sweets and longed for eachother secretly.

The next day after a fine breakfast Mulder and Sculy decided to go for a walk in the fresh, snowy air. Mulder told Scully how winter was his favorite time of year and Scully said "Yheah mine to I love all the snow and when I was a child...well, nevermimd." Scully said. "What?" Mulder said. "Nothing. Scully said. Suddenly, both Mulder and Scully realized that they were terribly lost. "Great Mulder, impress her by getting her lost you dope!" Mulder hissed to himself hoping Scully couldn't hear. Scully didn't hear him thankfully but instead she was thinking about how she really should have payed attention to where they were going. That's when a small Eskimo girl appeared and she greeted Mulder and Scully by rubbing there noses. "Hello little girl." Scully said. "Hello ma'am, you are so pretty your hair is like fire. We have no fire here." the little Eskimo girl was evidently amazed by it all. "Yes little girl. Wow you speak English I am shocked!" Scully said, suprised that the kid could speak English even though she was an Eskimo. "Yes I can speak it very well. You see I have a gift. My name is Becky." Becky said. "What kind of a gift?" Mulder asked. "When people pass through here I can tell what languge they speak and I can immitate it pyschically." Becky said. "Oh, ha ha, dear, that is ridiculous. But that's so cute." Scully said. "No, Scully, how else could she know? I think it's true." Mulder said, and he was just so excited about it that Dana Scully decided to let it alone.

_ _ _ _ _

That day, little Becky showed Mulder and Scully all the marvulous atmosphere of The North Poll. It was so majestical and Mulder adn Scully forget all about getting back. Becky lead Mulder adn Scully by the hands to the Polar Bears. Scully was scared at first but the Pollar Bears were just so sweet and cuddly none of them could believe it, accept Becky who knew it all along. Mulder wrestleed around with the Polar Bears and Scully laughed and then she started to hug Polar Bears left and right htinking that she hoped this day would never end. Then the Penguins came waddling out and Scully said that "I hope they aren't like the Penguins in Batman Returns that movie freaked me out." and Becky said that these were nice Penguins with no weird Tim Burton stuff. Becky showed Mulder and Scully how to waddle just like the penguins. They all went waddling through the icy snow and they laughed.

"This is the most fun I've ever had, Dana, and even though I really like the Polar Bears and The Penguins, I lllooo..., well, I like you even more." Mulder smiled and wished he wasn't such a wimp. "I like you to Mulder Scully said." And then Becky took the too of them ice skating. They all soared around the lake in their mittens and spun around in a circle. Becky was a really good skater and Mulder was amazed when she showed him how to do a figure eight. "Mulder you are really good!" Scully said. "Thanks." Mulder siad blushing. Then Mulder watched as the most graceful creature ever to existk, Daana Katherin Scully, pranced around the lake and flew up in the air and spun around with the assistance of Becky. "God your perfect!" Mulder said. Scully was really doing all these complex moves that only a real expert could do yet somehow she could do it, even though Scully had never really skated before except when she was a little kid and it wasn't for long. Mulder started to dance on ice and Scully could think about how much he reminded her of that guy from Lord Of The Dance accept that Mulder was BETTER, and he was CUTER, and not so annoying. Scully and Mulder danced in there winter wonderland while Becky singed.

Soon, the Polar Bears and Penguins joined Mulder and Scully on the ice, and they all joined hands to swing around in a circle together, singing Winter Wonderland. Scully really thought she was losing her mind and Mulder just went with it. Scully thought that it was all a beatiful dream, I mean, things liek this don't really happen...? But Mulder was just happy to be there. And Becky was grinning for somereason. Mulder and Scully looked at eachother and they knew it was the best day of there lifes. THen Becky came up to them and said that they should try an Eskimo Kiss. Mulder said was that a candy? AHahaha. But it was really this type of pretend kiss that the Eskimo people have that is where they rub there noses together instead of there mouths!!! It is really weird but kind of cute to. So anyway Becky said "Do it" so Mulder and Scully were really shy about it but Mulder leaned forward and Scully tried to lean up and eventualy there noses met. They rubbed there noses against eachother and all of the snow was gone. It was a bright sunny day and they were warm. They were so happy that they moved lower and Mulder kissed Scully, at last. There lips couldn't be pried apart for at least five minutes, and then they were both really dazed. Becky told them that it was time to go inside the Igloos for the night.

Mulder and Scully walked back to the Igloos and Scully said "Mulder about what happend...I udnerstand it was just a spur of the moment thing and it means nothing. We were close and we were touching and we lost control. DOn't feel like you have to love me now." Scully said. "But Sculy...I do love you." Mulder whispered. Mulder and Scully kissed eachother again, even more better than before. Becky told them to get inside the Igloo. "These Igloos are amazing." Mudlr said. "Yes they are, Agent Mulder." Hey how did you know my name. Mulder wanted to know. "I know things." Smiled Becky. "I can't believe that htey are so warm inside." Scully said. "It's the love that keeps them warm." Becky said. Scully sighed tenderly as she looked at Mulder. "And theyre so cool outside." Mulder said. "ALl the blocks of snow fit together like a puzzle." Mulder said. "Everything does." Becky said, revealing that she was way wize beyond her years. Soon Mulder and Scully were cuddling up inside there Igloo. Becky of course was not in there, she was in another Igloo. Threes a crowd and besideds Becky was just a child. "I have always loved winter. I used to build snowmen with my sister Samantha all the time when I was a little girl. I loved it so much." Scully said.

"OH, Scully. I love this time of year to, Christmas and everything. Of course it was so much better when MY sister was around. After that things got SOOO bad..." Mulder was starting to cry and so was Scully for seperate reasons. They held eachother and Muldre said "I'm sorry about your sister." and Scully said "I'm sorry about your sister to." and then Scully said "What do you mean things got SOOO bad when she was taken away?" Scully asked Mulder. "Well you see after she left my dad got really sadistic. He started this big Satanic CUlt in my town, and he had alot of members who would come and they would want some thing to do. Sometimes my dad would kill animals and they would drink the blood, and sometimes...well, sometimes they would strap me to the wall and wip me with wips!" Mulder was sobbing now. "Oh God Mulder! Why didn't you tell me??" Scully was crying. "Because I didn't want you to be afriad and leave me like my sister did!" Mulder said. "Oh Mulder I won't EVER leave you! I love you and I'm here for you." Scully held Mulder close and soon he was ontop of her taking off her blouse. Mulder tenderly undid Scully's braw strap as the red haired woman stroked up and down Mulder's lean gorgeous body. Scully saw the scars from when Mulder had been wiped but she didn't care. Scully looked at Mulder's big hazel eyes and kissed him. Mulder was mezmerized by Scully's crystal blue pools that were infact eyes.

As Scully squirmed out of her pants, she licked Mulder's nipples. Soon Mulder had his pants off and then soon they were both writhing in extasy and they continued all night long.

Then that morning, Mulder and Scully snuggled all morning and then Becky came in and told them it was time to get up. "Come on theres so much more to see." Becky said. And then the three of them made snowmen. And then Becky said that they would see The Norrthen Lights later. And then something really weird happend to there jurney. Mulder saw something up ahead. It was a big workshop. "Oh my God, you don't think..." Scully said. "Oh no, it couldn't be." Mulder said. "Let's go see waht it is." Becky said. They went forward and saw reindeers and toys. And then they saw SANTA CLAUSE!!!!! Sitting in a chiar he was eating fudge brownies and he looked kind of sick because he had evidently eaten WAAAAY to many fudge brownies which will make you throw up. "I can't believe it. Oh Santa I always wanted to meet you." Scully said. "So did I. I remember leaving cookies and things like that." Mulder said. "I am glad to meet you all to. Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!" Santa said, patting his big fat belly. "BUt it's not CHristmas." Becky said. "Yes, but it shoudl be." Santa laughed, his rosey cheeks were highlighted by the twinkling eyes above them. Everyone laughed. "I think I ate to many fuddge brownies." Santa said. "Yes that happened to me once when I was a kid I ate so many I threw up." Scully laughed. "Eeew gross." Mulder said. Scully jabbed him in his gut but itwas jsut playful. "Would you like some candy and cookies?" Santa asked. "YEs please." Mulder said eager just like a child. Scully smiled to herself as Mulder reached greedily for more. THe fire was roaring and Santa Clause was merry. Everyone was merry, as a matter of fact.

"So Santa do you like it here." Mulder wanted to know. "Yes I do." Santa said. "It's a wonderful place." he said. Scully grinned. "YEs I know! I wish I could stay here forever!" Scully said. "Well maybe you can." Santa said. What do you mean? Scully wanted to know what was going on. That's when everyone waws really shocked to see Santa pull off his beard and it was really SKINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scully and Mulder gasped out loud but little Becky had known all along it wasn't relaly him. "What is going on, Sir?" Scully asked. She was sort of afraid. Skinner looked sad. "I"m sorry for being such an old grouch who doesn't want anyone to have any fun. It's just that nobody likes me and I have to work like a hog at the office and be the boss and it sort of gets to me especally because of my high blood pressure and I'm bald. But Look, Agent Mulder adn Scully, when I heard you were going to The North Poll I felt so bad that I couldn't go to that I snuck along. And then I found this old abandon toy shop!!" Skinner said. "I hope you don't htink I'm to terrible." Skinner said. "Oh, no Sir. We forgive you for being a Grince because now you are a Prince!" Scully said! "But not like The Artist Formerly Known As Prince." Mulder said in his dry jokey way. Eveyrone laughed really hard when he said that. Skinner's stomach actually shook like a bowl full of Jelly.

Why don't you too show Skinner how to Eskimo kiss? Becky said. "Ok." Mulder said and he nuzzled Skullys nose again. "Oh thats so sweet." Skinner said and Mulder looked into Scullys eyes and whispered the words "Scully will you marry me." Scully was so overjoyed that she nearly collapse, in fact she did!!! Right into Mulders arms. Skinner sighed he was happy for them. "But If Only I had a ring" Mulder said, angry. "Right here." Becky said, adn she pulled out the most big beutiful blue icy diamond ring! Mulder got down on his knees and put the ring on Scully's finger. Skinner and Becky giggled. "You know I love it here so much that I have decided to move The X Files out here." Skinner said. "You mean..." Mulder and Scully said at the same time. "Yes. You can live here! I will still be your boss but I promise to be much nicer from now on." Skinner said grinning. "Oh Sir!" Skully was so happy she just gave the gruff old A.D. a hug. "I wish we could get married right now!" Scully said, to Mulder of course not Sckkinner.

"You can get married now. I have the license and I can preform marriages here in The North Pole. The laws are different here and you don't have to be old you just have to get the certificate." Becky said. Mulder adn Scully were so overjoyed that they both hugged Becky. Becky smiled and led them outside. "Skinner would you be my best man." Mulder asked. "Yes, Fox, I am so proud." Skinner said, patting Mulder on the back just like he was his own sun. "And would you also give me away?" Scully asked. "Yes, Scully, I would be so pleased to do that." Skinner said, tears were in his eyes. "And will you be my maid of honor??" Scully asked adn then Skinner got a really confused look on his face but then Scully and Mulder started laughing and Skinner realized that that last part was just a joke. Skinner laughed.

Actually Scully got a penguin to be her maid of honer, and it was a female Penguin. Becky told everyone to turn around and close there eyes so they did. When they looked back around they were shocked to see that there was a big wedding thing like were vines creep up and it was made of wood and it was all white and you could walk under it. Everything was decorated more beatifully than anything youve ever seen in your life. It was fantastic with flowres and icicles and statues of fairys that seemd to smile at them and everything. Skinner stood behind them and Penguins and Polar Bears were everywhere. The Northern Lights started up and it was great. Then Becky started reading.

"Do you, Fox Mulder, take this woman...."

All Mulder could think was "Will she leave me" but then he looked at Dana and he realized that she never would. Scully's red hair was like a flame out among the snowflakes and that flame melted Mulder's heart. He was beaming for the first time in years, adn he felt like he had been touched by an angel.

"Do you, Dana Katherine Scully, take this man..."

Dana was so happy that she didnt' cry at all. She knew that from now on her life was going to be A-Ok. No more humdrum, no more longing after Mulder, adn she figured she wouldn't feel to bad about the Catholic guilt because now she was so happy with everything else. She looked up at the Northern Lights and she thought she saw her Daddy smiling at her. "I love you Daddy" Scully said and she looked over at her husband. Fox I love you to. She said.

Fox leaned in and he and Dana kissed for a really long time. "Ho HO HO!!" Skinner cheered. Everyone laughed. And then they heared "HO HO HO!!!" From up in the sky!!! They all looked up and saw SOMETHING riding over the MOON!!! It sure looked like Santa Clause! The real one!

"We want to thank you again Becky..." Scully said when she looked back down from looking at Santa but Becky wasn't there. "Becky?" Mulder asked. "She's not here." Skinner said. "Goodbye Becky. Goodbye." Scully adn Mulder said together.

_ _ _ _ _

Later on, Mulder adn Scully checked everywhere but they could find no record of any little girl named Becky in the area. It seemed that she never existed in the first place but Scully and Mulder knew better. They looked into eachothers eyes and kissed again. "Thank you Becky. Thankyou.

And then 9 months later Scully delivered a baby girl who they named Becky in thanks to the magical little girl who had brought them togehter.

But the really weird part is that the baby had slanted eyes and she looked exactly like a baby version of Becky. Mulder thought that it was really unlikely that Scully would have sex with an Eskimo while he was right there so he figured it was magic. Skinner was the God Father and he made ice mirrors for Mulder in his spare time.

Everyone was happy most of all Mulder and Scully lived happily ever after.

The End.