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Tikanga - Mäori Customs and Culture

As with many cultures, this topic is too large to cover on my own. The aim of the following pages is to try to give some insight into some of the cultural aspects of my people.

Please be patient with the development of these pages - although I will be working on them regularly, it will still take some considerable time for me to colate a lot of the material.

Possible topics

Pöwhiri - the formal welcome (under construction)
Hongi/hupe(under construction)
Tangihanga(under construction)
Whanaungatanga and Whakapapa(under construction)
Marae Kawa(under construction)


Wai (under construction)
Tapu/noa(under construction)
Whenua(under construction)
Whanau (under construction)
Rongoa (under construction)

More from Te Reo o Tü

Te Reo - An Introduction to the Mäori Language
Tikanga - Mäori customs (under construction)
Waiata - Mäori songs (under construction)
Puräkau - Ancient Legends
Whakapapa - My geneological links (under construction)