Please be patient with the development of these pages - although I will be working on them regularly, it will still take some considerable time for me to colate a lot of the material.
Possible topics
Pöwhiri - the formal welcome (under construction)
Hongi/hupe(under construction)
Tangihanga(under construction)
Whanaungatanga and Whakapapa(under construction)
Marae Kawa(under construction)
Wai (under construction)
Tapu/noa(under construction)
Whenua(under construction)
Whanau (under construction)
Rongoa (under construction)
More from Te Reo o Tü
Te Reo - An Introduction to the Mäori Language
Tikanga - Mäori customs (under construction)
Waiata - Mäori songs (under construction)
Puräkau - Ancient Legends
Whakapapa - My geneological links (under construction)