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East Mate!

Facts in Black and White...

It also reflects the strained relations at this this defence organization that in these days an extraordinarily unusual occurrance of a term "rebels" could be observed around the world. Tha named countries are Mexico, Iraq, Japan, Colmbia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and the United States. In Japan for example "snow-bording enfants" were labeled with the serious descriptions that their objectionable activity is similar to a rebellion in the environment of the Nagano Winter Games.

However, it should also be mentioned that there is not any occurrance of this term at the organizational units whose sentenced associates generated these organizational intentions around the world. Strikes of unionists were reported from their countries.

In all probabilities, these actions are related to a type of "solidarity movement" among members of some organizational units; however, internal security experts use a much more correct description about this type of organizational movements. For example, in 1997 a detailed research was done on problems of a "new brotherhood". In particular, an Iraq report reflects the dangers of this type virtual rebellion or organizational conspiracy. Iraq's former head of military intelligence reported it that army commands will probably overthrow Saddam Hussein if they think Western powers want to oust him. It is also an implied message about a possible danger of a much more serious organizational conflict. Basically, military leaders of Iraq are also controlled in the environment of Saddam Hussein.

Although, some leaders of this defence organization use another term that these are basically "organizational tensions"; however, to be perfectly honest, it looks like much more dangerous, including in the cases of medical and technical workers of this organization.

Although, there are also known recommendations about a multipolar world, at present, a bipolar system can be observed in the operation of this satellite system between representatives of radicalist and consolidated conceptions which are leaded by two known personalities of this organization.

Originally, the employment of the game theory between "extrovert" and "introvert" personalities was the purpose of these people which can also assist a better understanding of several paradoxical problems in the operation of this system; however, a spreading of unethical methods could be observed on the side of "radicalists" whose external victims were serially representatives of a peaceful aternative around the world.

The most important claim of radicalists is that, in black and white, they would not like to kill anyone. They are military, medical, security and other professionals who, it can be said, are also not vulontary participants of these researches. Nevertheless, this development does not need more victims. Every reaction of people can perfectly be controlled. However,by representatives of a consolidated change, the world, including nuclear great powers are not strong enough to "get over" a radical positive change. Basically, such a change would have a much larger number of victims around the world than the presently operated consolidated conception.

Nevertheless, it can also be realised that "the world", including leaders of nuclear great powers are also interested in the employment of "disciplined associates" which is also an important conlusion of these organizational tensions and a message in "black and white" for "radicalists" at this defence organization.

Feb 9, 1998.

