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By unofficial information since about the early 80s approximatelly 3.2 billion actions were realised with the assistance of this satellite system by the October of 1997. One of the most important years of this development was 1989 when turbulent changes of Russia and Eatsern Europe were assisted by members of this organizations. It can also be said that since about this year every more important change of our lives are directly or indirectly related to the operations of this satellite system.

The most important operational fields are generally the health and safety; however, this system can also assist the aviation, naval safety, medical sciences, catastrophe management, nuclear security, prevention of terrorism, organised crime, drug problems, public and personal safety, fire and communal safety, intellectual property rights, education, media, economy, politics and so on.

By the way, several signs of the operation of this system can more and more obviously be observed in national and international satatistics. It can be said that at present this system is stronger than the nuclear weapons and, from this point of view, there is not any difficulty before a careful publishing of it. Usually, a psychological resistance to this system can be named as the largest difficulty in the publishing of it and in the solution of the represented problems. For example, a too sharp positive change of national and international statistics would also generate extraordinarily serious international conflicts.

Jan 5, 1998.

More news from January

